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Are you ready to learn the 10 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence?

Who is Dr. Resa the Relationship and Confidence Coach on making people live their true real authentic, happy life and live in the moment? 

What is Confidence? Do you know? Raise your hand if you know what confidence is? 

Belief in yourself and your abilities. You feel good about yourself. Love yourself. You make that decision no one else, and people will notice. 

Practice Practice and Enjoy the moments you are Practicing.

Back to Basics Simple Fun...Exercise everyone up….
1. Name and a Word to describe yourself? My name is Resa, and I am an explorer… I love the experience of life, people, food, places….. and always learning. 
2.Eye Contact-Exercise & Example look at someone, don’t stare, and smile with your eyes. Glowing exciting..
3.Smile- use your beautiful teeth smile—ear to ear. Smiling is contagious. Shows happiness, confidence, and introduction.
4.The Walk posture we all know how to walk but shoulders back and swag your style feel it and enjoy it. Practice, and let’s see your walk...
5. Breathe and Stretch Breathe in stomach full and exhale stomach to the back of your back. Relaxes you. It makes you more aware and brings you to the MOMENT. Stretch arms up and move...
6. Dance & Sing - Music, please Move Exercise Who loves to dance and sing and just let loose. Pick a favorite song or artist and start moving. No one is watching and have fun!!!

 7.Good Manners 
a. Hi, How are you? 
b.Thank you. 
d. Excuse me, 
e. Ask permission. 
f. Knock on a closed door. 
g. May I have some food drink. 
h. Shake hands or hug. Depending on the person’s hug. 
i. Listen. 
j.Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. 
k.Hold the door for someone behind you. 

 8.Compliment three things a day to yourself, your parents, and a friend…
a. I like your smile 
b.You make me happy 
c.Your Outfit is so cute. 
d.I am happy you are in my life. 
e.Thank you for helping me with my homework. 
f.I love your new haircut. 

This builds your confidence and learning nice things to say to others.
9.Give/Volunteer/Donate- What do you love?
 Dogs, Clothes, a Special Charity, People
Give your time- Talk to someone, Volunteer with a school, a project, and donate clothes, toys, etc., for people in need.
10.Less Media- Who watches TV? What shows? Who is on the computer? Ipad, Phone? 
Who gets out and plays without Media? The yard, toys, dolls, drawing. Ideas on what else to do without TV etc.… Give me ideas

Any questions? xoxo, DR #drresa



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