Import from paysite
Important information
Your session key is used to scrape paid posts from your feed. After downloading missing posts, the key is immediately discarded and never stored without permission.
The auto-import feature allows users to give Coomer permission to automatically detect and retrieve new
posts and creators by storing session keys long-term, without need for manual key submission. All keys are
encrypted using a strong RSA 4096 key. When the administrators start a new autoimport round, a computer outside of
Coomer's infrastucture sends the private key to the backend, allowing it to decrypt all working keys
and start import tasks. Even if Coomer's private database were to somehow be compromised, your tokens
would remain anonymous and secure.
If you are logged into Coomer, any key you submit with autoimport enabled can be managed under the Keys
section of your [Account] tab in the header. There, you will be able to view import logs or revoke access.
Please note that anonymously-submitted keys cannot be managed.