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I tried to get fucked last night, but I got hosed down instead. It happens. That sexy little fucker Connor just couldn't wait to get his dick inside me before he blew his load fucking everywhere but inside of me. I'm not complaining. It was fun to see. His dick is like a loose fire hose flying around when it's emptying out the balls. It's a good thing I have laminate flooring. If it were carpet, it would have needed a steam cleaner. I don't know where it all "cums" from, pun intended. His balls are so small. Where does he keep all of that sperm? How does that not hurt to have that much in there? The shocked look on his face every time he cums tells me he doesn't know either. No matter. Good for him that he can do that. It works for me. I hope whoever he finds to be his one and only doesn't find that to be a nuisance. I can see a lot of chicks being turned off by that. To me, he's a gold mine find because of it. At least as far as fuck buddies go. We aren't even officially fuck buddies. Suck and hand job buddies but still have yet to fuck. I tried last night. I really did. So did he. He just got a little over-excited. 

How did it happen? I saw him hanging around in his grandparent's front yard. I waved him over and brought up some small chat about his job at KFC. Wrong move on my part. He wouldn't shut up about how important he is at KFC. 18 yr olds are funny that way. I finally had enough of listening to him and looked around to see if my nosy neighbors were watching us. The coast was clear. So asked him if he wanted to come inside. The dummy asked me why. That made me stare at him speechless for a few seconds, but I finally just told him to get inside. The good thing about 18 yr olds is they are obedient little bastards. So inside we went. He smartened up a little inside and asked me if we were going to have fun. Yes, Connor, we are definitely going to have some fun, kiddo. I sat him in a dining room chair, took my tits out, and let him do his thing. He was so into my tits I finally had to stop him, or we would have been there all damn night. I told him to take his pants off. His dick was as hard, standing straight up. I'd say it's 5 inches and thin. It's an adorable dick. It makes me want to snuggle it with my mouth. Not last night, though. His cute penis was going in my pussy. I pulled my yoga pants off and sat on his lap facing him, my tits in his face. I ground on his dick, getting my pussy super swampy wet, feeling his hard dick rub against my slit. I reached down to put it in my guts, but it slipped out of my grip, and I saw his face get that shocked look. I tried to get a hold of it to punch in me real quick, but it was jerking around everywhere, and I just couldn't get a grip before he started ejaculating. So I just watched those amazing long ropes of sperm go everywhere. Some hit my tits, and some hit my belly. Some hit him. Most of it went on the floor and chair. It looked so good. What it must be like to feel that coming out of your body like that. I'm so jealous. I want to cum like that. He has to be able to feel each rope stretching his dick just to get out. Do you know what's weird? It makes my mouth water thinking about it. I am sitting here drooling, thinking about his dick getting stretched out by his sperm. Very odd, but I don't care. It works for me. 

He was embarrassed and wanted to leave, but I was like, "Oh, not you don't." I made him watch me finger myself using his own jizz as lube. His little dick got so hard so fast and turned a bright purple. I probably could have fucked him right then and there, but I got totally into having him watch me dip my fingers into his jizz and slip them inside of me that I couldn't stop. I came so hard. It was one of the whole body-satisfying cums that wiped me out for the rest of the night. After getting my head back, I sucked his purple dick head for a few seconds and then kissed him on the forehead and sent him home. He did as he was told. I did tell him we would empty him inside of me properly very soon. He said he would like that. Then the dummy asked me if he should bring a condom. For fucks sake. Sometimes I wonder how this country is going to survive. Just saying. I would say today would be the day but Bob's dick texted me and it has decided that I shall be letting it stretch my guts out at approximately 3 pm today. What Bob's cock says goes. Connor will still be there tomorrow. He isn't going anywhere.



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