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  • 38dfe175-4c1d-4861-a377-567ac251c1c5.m4v



Several people requested this video over the last couple of weeks, so the request shall be granted. I did terrible things to this guy's cock, and it didn't care. It just kept getting harder and then dumped a massive load of cum in my box. This video was wildly popular. I learned that I am not the only whacked perv on the planet. Just saying. @u125291845 

Connor, Connor, Connor, where art thou? Thou should be buried in my pussy feeding it sperm, yet thou is not. Fucker. I hate when these guys just disappear on me. For fucks sake, it's just sex. It's not like I want to marry these ding dongs. Guy complains all the time about girls wanting more, wanting deep relationships, all that crap. Yet, I keep running into guys who want to do just that and tell me their feelings on top of it. Fuck my ass with a dry dick. Can we just stop with all this touchy-feely stuff? Stick a dick in me, use dick to make me cum, make me a spermy mess, shut up and go home. Rinse and repeat. It's not rocket science, folks. Sure, we can be friends. For like half an hour to an hour a week. What's the problem with that? 

The world is a crazy place. So much so that I ordered an airhorn for my truck. Anyway, looking forward to that.

I keep running into guys who feel they should be getting more sex. The way I see it, if you feel like you should be getting more sex, then you should be getting more sex. I'm just saying. I could be wrong. I know that I am a much happier person when I have plenty of cocks cum dumping inside of me. Take the cocks away, and I'm kind of moody, but put the cocks back in, and it's blue skies and fuzzy bunnies. I'm sure it works the same way with guys. Sex is healthy crap. We should be doing it all the time. But, somehow, over time, it's become some kind of deviant thing. I, for one, am delighted to be that deviant.


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