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Man, I'm looking forward to Bob fucking me cross-eyed stupid. I can almost feel his log moving my insides around to make room for it. Fuck that sounds so good right now. I don't like Bob, though. He is dry and rude to other people. He needs to work on that, or it won't help him in life. Overly entitled might be the word. His dick, though. I would let him breed me just because of his dick. I'd marry him just to have more access to his penis. I'm serious. I love that thing. Anyway, I'm getting myself all worked up here. Let us move on.

The world has gone mad. It really has as stupidity abounds unchecked. Scientists say the universe is comprised of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons. They forgot to mention Morons. I'm just saying.

Do I own guns? Why do people keep asking me that? I can neither confirm nor deny. I like to keep folks guessing.

Guys, step up your game. I keep hearing from other chicks that they can't laid. What the actual fuck? I have this theory that too many guys are so busy playing video games  24/7 that they take a five-minute break, suck each other off, and then back to it. No need for chicks. I could be wrong. I'd like to see that, but it's beside the point. Anyway, she went on to tell me she has her eye on a guy but doesn't know if he is "sexually excited" when they are together. He's a man. If he's breathing, he's sexually excited there, Einstien. Fuck me with a cactus. Grab his dick, if it's hard, he wants to breed. Stick it in and empty it. It's that simple. Men have two emotions. They are either hungry or horny. If his dick isn't hard, then make him a sandwich. Fuck, I don't know. Leave me alone. Figure it out on your own. I got my own dick problems to deal with.

I got asked why I don't have a husband. I tried to ignore the question and deflect. It was in front of a few people, and I didn't particularly appreciate being cornered. They pushed it. I had a few seconds to think. I finally said, "Husbands are the same thing as a condom. They get used and thrown out. The only difference is condoms don't talk." And the subject quickly changed. Husbands. I've had them. What's the point? I'd rather hang around and go home than have them at home. I like the quiet. I like picking my nose without anyone watching. I'm just saying.

I like hanging around with the guys. More so than with the girls. The problem is, myself included, sometimes they want to be more than friends. I find myself sexually attracted occasionally. I suppose they do as well, but I find they get emotional as well. I had a guy friend who I really loved hanging around with. I still would love to hang around with him. But I can't. Well, actually, he can't. He said it was too much for him. Long story short. He admitted one night, all he could think about was fucking me, and it was driving him insane. I am not attracted to him in any way. But I am also not above doing a friend a favor. So I sucked him off in his car. I would have kept sucking him off, probably fucked him, if things remained the same. But they didn't. He changed. He became possessive. All he ever talked about was sex. He didn't want me to hang around with other people unless he was there. I enjoyed sucking his dick because it made me happy that I could make him happy. I didn't want anything in return. I didn't even want him to make me cum. I just enjoyed sucking the sperm out of him and putting a smile on his face. He wanted more than I was willing to give, though. So I told him I didn't mind emptying his balls for him now and then, but I had zero feelings for him. He wouldn't let it go, so I told him we just couldn't hang around anymore. He said a few things he later apologized for. But things never went back to the same. My point? I don't know. I guess sex and friends are a tricky balancing act. Never had it work out. Not that I wouldn't try again.



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