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Sex Life Blogs: #5 WHY WOMEN CHEAT or LEAVE
Some Alpha men such as Andrew Tate believe they can have multiple women but women cannot be with others.
Men often cheat just for variety.
Although some women may cheat for this reason women have a different main reason for cheating. 
Women cheat when their basic needs are not being met. 
The number 1 BASIC NEEDS of all humans is paying attention to them!! 
But Men and Woman DIFFER in the kind of attention they want.
MEN Feel validated when a woman let's him into her body. They feel loved-wanted. Men ALSO on average have a greater need, or at least are more aware of their need to release sexual energy. 
Woman feel loved and wanted when men pay attention to their feelings about their bodies and lifestyle. Her desires may not always seem logical but feelings are actually energy of life... and bec woman carry the most sensitive of all living things.. a human , woman are sensitive to feelings that enhance life vs feelings that destroy. 
Men also have feelings and want to be listened to, but men are more focused on the logic of how to build structures that sustain life 
Men are just as passionate about their business   favorite sport or pursuit of sex! but can be less sensitive to the inner workings of life.
(This can also be partly due to societal conditioning of him being rewarded / respected if he focuses on provision rather then his feelings about things)
Yet when womens interests and desires are not listened to and taken seriously, she feels like she's dying inside. 
And guess what?! The universe does not dissapoint. The universe hears women's feelings bec she is so connected to life. The universe hears her cries and feels her broken heart. And sends another man along who will give her everything she wants.. until he too allows himself to forget to listen. 
Watch me give myself a 27 minute massage, and learn how to listen to the female body.


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