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How to be a Sugar Daddy and be Safe:

OK! Well, first of all...if you want an experienced SB that's respectful and experienced...um, hi! Thas me. :P

OK OK OK...let's say you don't want me (then why are you following me!? LOL JK) You want intimacy, it's a little hard to come by these days, and you want something consistent. You've got the bread, so why not spend it? 

Now, money doesn't grow on trees. You don't wanna get scammed by some trick. 1st of all, as I said in my earlier post, there's Tinder, Reddit, Craigslist, but your safest bet for your privacy is a place where the context of an SB/SD is already paved for you. So I'd say SeekingArrangements or Whatsyourprice. WYP is my fave bc you can negotiate price. So lets say I hit you with a bid for 500, and you're like HELL NAH! And you send back 100. And I'm like, uh uh, 300. And you agree to it and we can go from there.

Now, a thing you want to establish just like an SB is how to establish boundaries. Don't be a pushover, make sure what you're getting and how much you're giving is extremely clear. Also, avoid being super clear about things like sexual acts. Just say intimacy lol. Understand first of all that you're not paying for sex, you're paying for time and sex is only a possibility. Very likely, your first mee+ is going to be somewhere casual and public. Bc of that, you don't have to agree to a full sha-bang price. I'd even go so far as to asking for their IG. Just so you can feel their vibe (if that's not something they're willing to do that's fine)

Establish, what are you looking for? A "girlfriend" vibe? A bdsm situation? Something purely physical? Different needs will need to be communicated. I'd suggest a phone call prior to mee+. is she funny? Is she easy to talk to? Watch how she texts. Can she string together a sentence? Is she someone you'd wanna hang out w?

MY best SD's communicate very clearly what they want. They want to be respected, they don't want BS, they want good company. Most of all, they want a listening ear. You most likely want something consistent. Treat the first time like a first date and let it flow naturally.

Destroy your expectations. Remember, this is still a job to her, and you have to respect boundaries. Her being touchy feely to you is part of great customer service, and not because she's actually in love w you (unless she says so clearly!) You're paying for a service, so make sure you clearly carve out what that is. It's very likely not going to exceed that and become your fairytale dream wedding. Don't overpush boundaries, and be clear with her not to overstep hers as well. I've learned to not be so stingy with money--asking $ for every little favor. In return, I expect a guy to not keep upping the ante w his needs. 

Most of all, remember to respect one another and have fun!

Any other questions? Hit the DM!

Helpful? Send TIPZZZZZ!


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