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How to Be a Sugar Baby and be safe:

OK, so you wanna be an SB. The reason doesn't matter--maybe college is expensive, maybe you got kicked out, maybe it just looks like a fun thing to do.

1st of all, understand the risks involved. Prost!tut!on is illegal and getting caught as one will land on your permanent record. This will disable you from getting a lot of jobs in the future. Now, some people may define an SB as something kinda dicey, but I don't necessarily consider myself an esc0rt or w/e bc I specify that I'm getting paid for my time, and not my body. Dinners, hanging out at your house, etc, none of this means we'll get intimate. Does it make it more possible? Yeah! But I never guarantee nor promise that prior to mee+ing up.

Where can I find a good SD? Surprisingly, I got lucky and my best SD came from Tinder. I had one of those cash-grabby bios and upped the age range a little. Found one. That might not be your experience. I know some friends got it on Craigslist or Reddit, but personally I'd go where people are vetted and confirmed as SD's--so, SeekingArrangements or Whatsyourprice. WYP is my favorite.

WYP technically doesn't declare itself as an SD/SB site, but you two have to agree to a set price to mee+. For me, I agree to anything between 100-200. Anything lower and you can negotiate the price. For the SD to message you, he has to use site credit which costs money. So, if he replies to you, chances are he has money bc he needs it to be able to even message you first. 

Cool! Yall vibing. I always say, look. For the 1st time we mee+, I don't like to be intimate. I just want to get to know you, preferably a public place. This is TEST 1. If he's a pushy creep, he'll show it now. Most guys will be and SHOULD BE cool with that. Now, the amount you guys agreed to in the bid is what he's agreed to pay for the first time you guys mee+. So 200, for dinner, in a public place? Cool. I usually add that if we do vibe, i do 500 if I'm comfortable. If that's too high for them and they seem cool, I'll say if not, 300-400 is negotiable. Cash preferable up front when we mee+. Venmo may not be friendly. Phone call before--can you gauge that he has a sense of humor? Is he easy to talk to? IF not, I wouldnt' bother. 

Nothing lower. 

Things to look out for--bad grammar and weird vibes. You expect me to think this guy makes 6 figures but can't string together a sentence? Hell nah. Age too. And honestly? Location. I personally am gonna be more prone to believe a guy living in Calabasas than Compton. If a guy doesn't seem competent, he's a scammer. If he's a flake, or not too wordy and doesn't show too much personality in the way he texts, that's a no. I would say I expect to mee+ one every day of the week, and usually end up mee+ing 3. 

I'm in marketing. Marketing is what the people say you are. Now, if a guy is paying for social interaction, what type of girl do you think he wants? Someone stuck up, stand offish, on her phone? No. You're not gonna see him again. He wants someone who pays attention, who laughs at his jokes, who's present and fun to be around. OF course, genuinely. I've met up with good paying men but we just didn't vibe. I didn't mee+ up w them again. I'm not going to pretend to laugh or be interested. Just like real life dating, hopefully you've made a good connection prior when texting.

Listening is huge. I'm asking them about THEM, their work, their love life, have they done this before, I'm being attentive. I want to be interested in my business partner. I'm treating them like a human being and not a joke, because I'd want the same. More often than not, they've dealt with women who've brushed them off or treated them like crap. You're gonna be the beacon of light. Ask about family, about life. For God's sake, you've been on a date before, right? Do exactly that, except now you're getting paid.

Text often. That's a big one. I'm texing my SD's back constantly throughout the week. Why? Because we have a relationship. Relationships require consistency. And, most of all, I set boundaries. I want to create as normal of an environment as possible. I don't want us to even think about $ until it's time to get paid. Ultimately, you want a long term friendship that's mutually beneficial. If it gets physical, it's on your terms. But the best men will be the most agreeable and flexible.

Remember, you want respect and so do they!

Any more questions? DM me!

Helpful? TIP!!


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