Some of my favorite hook ups have happened while GoGo dancin.. (OnlyFans)
2018-05-24 04:22:14
Some of my favorite hook ups have happened while GoGo dancing. Hell I'm super pumped for this Friday night! GoGo dancing in downtown LA and I'm dancing with porn star Teddy Bryce who I already promised a blowjob in the bathroom 😈 I'm really excited to play with him! It was literally fate that set this up, we had been flirting on twitter for a little bit now but have never met before. Well he messaged me this week letting me know he was gonna be in town this weekend! Well it turns out, he happened to get booked for the SAME GoGo gig as me!! So LA are you ready for Teddy & Teddy action this friday! And OnlyFans...are you ready for the REAL Teddy on Teddy Action this friday night?? *grrrrr* Stay tuned for some public play this weekend! Hope we don't get caught like in this video of me and @JayXaustin 🤫 #GettingCaught #NaughtyGoGo Click LIKE if you like how I play with other GoGo's on break and COMMENT any questions you have for me about the GoGo world? :)