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Update on Toby 

First, I want to say thank you for those who’ve expressed their thoughts and concerns. I really do appreciate it!🥰😘

I’ll be posting pics again soon, as I know that’s what y’all are truly here for😘

He has a large tumor at the base of his brain near his pituitary gland. They are referring us to oncologist to look at radiation therapy, if we go that route. The tumor is causing the excessive drinking and peeing because it’s not producing a hormone to hold onto the water he drinks so he just pees it out and that’s why his urine is so diluted. We’ll need to do the ultrasound to see what else we are dealing with and then we’ll decide whether to go through radiation therapy. Yes, it’s expense about $10k, but it’s the time factor as its multiple treatments could be days or weeks for several months. That would be of an issue more than the money. The vet today said given his age and his good heart that depending if nothing major next week that she would recommend radiation treatment as it could gain him a good 3+yrs. Tho the sight loss may be permanent, but he would adjust to being blind. So again waiting till Tuesday results after the ultrasound 😢


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