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Oh man, so much to tell, so little time to get that done. I'm afraid if I don't, I'll forget all the little details and such, and then even I won't be able to maximize a rub one out session. I wish I could just download my thoughts, as that would make things so much easier. Much creepier as well, but maybe we could just delete stuff.

Anyway, I have two more cums, both inside of me from Bob, to finish up. I thought I would have plenty of time, but I ended up having a cum fest of a night with Connor and my trainer. I didn't see that "cumming" pun intended.

I am going to go with Connor. To me, even though I never put his dick inside of me, it was the sexiest of the three fucks I have left to share with you. I guess Connor really wasn't a fuck, so I correct myself, the remaining 2 1/2 fucks left to share. Fuck, this is going to be an all-out novel. So fair warning, this is a long fucker, and it's only about Connor. 

What made Connor such a turn-on? I'm still turned on by it. Actually, he has made everyone else kind of fuzzy even though they were great fucks. I don't like admitting it even to myself. It's because he is 18 and I am in my 50s. It's like a gut punch that makes my pussy a slip and slide sitting here thinking about it. The fact that he ejaculates a fucking gallon of pure white sperm doesn't hurt either. I want that jizz in me so badly now I can almost taste it. I know exactly how I want it to happen. I want him in a chair with me straddling him on top. I want to ride him till he lets his testicles pump me full of his nut. I want to kiss him on the forehead while his balls are still pushing sperm inside of me. I don't know where kissing on the forehead part comes from, but it's there, and it turns me on. Look, I have held this kid's dick in my mouth. I have ingested so much sperm from his balls that I have actually felt like I just ate a meal. I admit it. I want his dick, and I'm not willing to give it up. He must know that, but unlike Bob, he isn't gaining confidence. He isn't pushing further. He always walks away like he's just done something bad and is about to get yelled at for it. I don't think he is going to change. I may not be doing him any favors by doing the things I'm doing to his dick. Here is the bad part. I don't care. I am not willing to give up the rush of playing with an 18 yr old cock. I like knowing that I am that woman who lusts after my friends and neighbor's sons. It's pussy drenching. I would have been a terrible teacher. Anyway, Connor isn't stopping me, and until he does, I doubt I will either. I think he wants to stop, but his dick has other thoughts, and they overpower his will to walk away. I like that as well. I like knowing I drive him insane like that. It makes me want to fuck constantly thinking about it. 

So what did I do to Connor yesterday afternoon? I stroked him off in his car and left him covered in his own sperm. How did that happen? Easy, he was coming home, and I waved to him. He pulled into my driveway, put his window down, and we talked. I talked. He just answered questions. Mostly it was about his new job at KFC. To him, it's the greatest thing in the world. In his mind, he will be the next CEO of KFC. So cute. I almost wish he would be so he wouldn't have to wake up from whatever life fantasy he has going on. I always catch Connor staring at my tits. He can't help it, and I certainly don't mind. Yesterday he had an obvious hardon while doing it. His face turned purple when I pointed that out. He tried to pull out of my driveway, but I said, "No, no, no, you don't get to point that thing at me and just drive away." I had him unlock his passenger door, and I got in with him. I leaned over and felt his dick. It was pure steel covered by pants. I don't know why they make pants so hard to unbutton these days, but it took me at least several minutes just to get his button undone. I fucking hate that. I was worried he would cum while I was doing it. He didn't, and he finally did it for me. I unzipped his pants and felt his dick through his underwear. I started asking him questions about KFC. I asked him if any cute girls worked there. He didn't answer me. He stared at my hand, tickling his cock through his underwear instead, so I flicked the head to wake him up. I asked him again the same question. He said there was one. I asked him if he wanted to fuck her. He wouldn't answer me. I told him to answer me, and he did. He said yes. I could tell he thought he just got caught doing something wrong. I asked him what he wanted to do to her first? He didn't understand, so I explained that when I see a guy that I want to fuck I usually think about sucking his dick before anything else. He said he wanted to kiss her. Fuck me. This kid is definitely going to be work. So I said, think about kissing her while I do this. I pushed his pants and underwear down to his ankles, and I tickled the shaft of his dick. I kept talking and trying different things to see what flipped the switch in his head to send him over the edge. I found it. I tried talking about her sucking his dick, fucking him, making out. When I said, "Imagine if she was touching your dick just like this and kissing you." and his dick visibly hardened, turned purple, and the head got massive. Got him😜 I asked him if he would cum if she stroked the head of his dick like this and then stroked his dick head. He forgot to breathe, made grunts and groans, and then sperm went everywhere. Long ropes of sperm. One string hit him in the chin and dripped there. Thick ropes. I mean very thick ropes. And it just kept cumming out of his dick. I didn't count each shot of ropey cum, but it had to be about 10 before it tapered off into drooling/oozing pumps. Quite a bit came out that way as well. He was covered in it. I had some on my hand that I simply ate and licked my fingers clean. He, however, had it all over his chin, his shirt had ropes of it all over it, and his pants were soaked in his own nut. I asked him if he enjoyed our conversation. He said he did. I asked him if he enjoyed it a lot. He said he did. I asked him if he would like to talk some more about work and such, and he said yes. I asked him when and he said he could be over in about half an hour. That was adorable. It really was. I explained I was thinking more of sometime this week. I told him that I had a date tonight I had to get ready for. He looked so sad and hurt that I explained to him that I would always save time for him. He should think about the girl he likes, and when he wants to "talk" about it, he should "cum" see me. That made him happy. Now I have his number programmed in my phone. Now he texts me at 2 am. It's okay. I don't answer or even hear it. It's cute, though, and yes, I finger myself when I read them. 

Then I fucked my trainer, and while Lucas was breeding me and pumping his nut inside me, I thought of Connor. I came so hard it was scary. So thank you, Connor and Lucas, for giving me a fantastic weekend and hopefully many more to cum!


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