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I want to get this out pretty quick. I'll be gone most of the night. Two dates tonight, one with Connor and then meeting my trainer down on Main St tonight! So a busy night for me! Hope all goes well! The new year is kicking off right for me! Finally! Man, I had a crappy and dick-dry year last year. Now I'm swimming in the dick. Happy days my friends, sunny days!

So, on my date with Bob last night after I ate his nut, we went to Zaxby's. Shut up. I didn't pick it. It's where he wanted to go. He owns the penis. I just follow it around. Besides, I'm a huge fan of Zaxby's. Most of the time. We ate inside. Very few people were in there. While we were waiting, he told me to show him my tits. I do. I know there are cameras and probably people looking, but I don't even check. I pull my shirt down and show him my tits. That freaked him out a bit. He got all panicky and told me to put them away as quickly as I pulled them out. I was like, "What? You said show me your tits. I showed you my tits." He said I should be more cautious about it. I said, why would I be careful about it?" Because he thought we might get into trouble. I told him we might get into trouble if I take his cock out and start sucking it right here and now. Then I asked him if he wanted to get into trouble? He passed. He is getting braver but not that brave yet. So we had our chicken strips, they were good, I got a Zaxby's food belly, and all was good. I noticed that people looked at us. I think they thought we were Mom and son, but when they figured out we weren't, they were either intrigued or disturbed. I can't tell which one. Then I started thinking we could have gone to KFC and sat in front of Connor. That would have been priceless. I don't know if Connor was working or not, but this is a must-do thing that needs to happen soon. Anyway, out the door, we go, and we are on our way to the beach.

We parked on the beach, and he opened the doors up and left them that way. Then he tells me he wants me to make him hard. I'm like, "you're already hard Bob, I can see it in your shorts, kiddo." He's like, make it harder! So using the doors as cover, I take his cock out, and it just makes my heart melt it's so beautiful. I go to suck it, but he stops me and just wants me to stroke it. I stroked his cock like it was the love of my life, which it basically is at this point, until he stopped me, looked around, and told me to take my shorts off. I absolutely do as I'm told. I'm thinking I'm about to get my guts rearranged by this beautiful monster, so I don't care who sees us. I'm bent over, hands on the back seat, waiting for his dick to stretch my insides out, but he doesn't want my pussy. He wants my ass. I was alright with that until he tried to slip it in my asshole with zero lube. No spit, no oil, no anything. Doesn't work that way. It hurts when it works that way. He looked slightly offended and hurt that I stopped him, which I found odd, but with a dick like that, who cares. I told him just a sec, reached into my purse and pulled out a bottle of Wet Platinum Silicone, my favorite lube for just such occasions. I coated his dick, slipped a slick finger in my bum just for a little more slip and slide actions, and within a second, his fat, massive dickhead was turning my asshole into a doughnut hole the size of an apple. Yes, it hurt for the first minute. Then I was like, wait a sec. Now we're talking. And after that first minute, it took me about 30 seconds to lose my shit and cum. Embarrassingly cum. As in stupid faces and body movements that make me look possessed. Not to mention the gibberish that flys out of my mouth. It was so fucking good it hurt. I don't know how to explain it, but when 9 inches of penis stretches out your colon, things happen. In my case, delicious things. Mind-bending, brain exploding things. It's not a physical thing, and I don't really feel it all that much in my ass. It's in my head. Something lets loose, and though it's scary, it's beyond incredible at the same time. I may be killing myself a little each time I cum like this. Worth it. Worth every second of it. The embarrassing part is that Bob laughed. To make things worse, the more Bob teased me, the more satisfied I felt. Who knows what's up with me. I'm all kinds of screwed up. You know what went through my mind a minute or two after I came? Why would I ever do drugs when I can just do this? Plus, if drugs are better than this, I'll be dead in a week. Isn't that an odd thought, though? I thought it was. I could be wrong. Anyway, Bob plowed my ass for a full ten minutes. No, I didn't cum again. But I got super turned on being Bobs' anal fuck toy. I just stood there bent over the seat, letting him plunder his dick in and out of my ass any he pleased. It felt so right. When he came in my asshole, and I mean buried to the hilt deep in my guts and dumping a hot gooey load of sperm fresh from his testicles deep, I almost wanted to tell him I love him. But I don't. Hell, I don't even like him that much. He's kind of stupid. But his dick, I would walk on water for that dick. His cock is my Kryptonite. And I'm beyond ecstatic that it is. Anyway, when he relieves his nuts in my asshole that deep, it stays there for the day, sometimes longer. I was super happy about feeling it squish around inside of me when I was pulling my shorts back up. Bob wasn't entirely done. He pointed out he had some sperm dribbling out of his cock. I apologized for not seeing that, and I sucked his dick for minutes, ensuring there would be no post-ejaculation cum stains in his shorts. I enjoy doing that for him. He thinks he's making me do it, but the jokes on him! I got in the car, and off we went, feeling my ass slip and slide around from the sperm greasing it just got.

Look, I still have two more loads of sperm to go with Bob. But that would take hours to read, so I will get you more later if you care to read it.



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