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How did Connor end up at my house dumping sperm down my throat? I ran into him at Publix. I run into everyone at Publix as it's right around the corner. It's a local place. He was with his Grandparents, so I just said hi and went about my business. He found me alone and asked if he could stop by. I asked him why he would want to stop by? He said, "You know..." I said, "No, I don't know. What did you want to see me about?" Again with the "You know!" I said, "Sorry, I must be missing something." He said, "To finish up what we started!" I said, "What did we start?"  Again with the "You know!" When I didn't say anything, he finally spat it out. "When you put your hands down my pants!" I said, "Oh...you want me to make you cum?" He turned bright red and finally said yes. I said, "Well then, I'll see you soon." Thirty minutes later, his 18 yr old dick was dumping sperm into my belly. On that note, I see that his grandparents have hooked up their pontoon boat and gone on their way. I suspect I'll be getting a visit from Connor today. If he plays his cards right, he might just a shot at doing his best to pump a baby into me. Okie Dokie. Suck a guy's dick that isn't your boyfriend's, and they get all pissy. Such is life. Still haven't heard from the boyfriend about that. I admit I did more than suck a dick. The guy basically made me a three-way sex toy. Guess it sucks to be my boyfriend.

Feeling a bit left out? For maximum attention, nothing beats a solid mistake. Remember I said that. It will pan out for you one day. Your welcome.

I have a friend who told me her deepest dark secret without asking me first. I hate that. She is sleeping with he ex and is planning on leaving her husband. To me, that is just another day at the office. To her, it's a life-changing event. I was with them the other night, and her husband has zero clue that his wife is undoubtedly ingesting another man's sperm. He thinks he is living the dream. She's gaining weight from all the cum she's eating courtesy of her side dick. Oh well, shit happens. What I want you to take away from this story is not that cheating has consequences. It is that you should never tell someone a secret without asking first. It's not that I can't keep a secret. It's the other people I tell the secret to that can't keep their mouth shut. 

The angry couple asked me the other night how I could live myself after letting a guy I barely knew ejaculate on my face. I thought that was an odd question. I mean, don't you, as a guy, want a girl to cum on your face when you're licking her box out? I would think you would, but I could be wrong. I don't know. I guess I'm weird. I love to make guys dump loads on my face. Even better, I love them feeding it to me. I know when guys are about to cum. That last thirty seconds fires something up in me. It's like an obsessive need to unload his balls on me, in me, everywhere. It really is a desire that I can't control. I don't want to control it. I don't need to control it. Why would I? I work super hard to get the jizz out of the testicles so I can feel it slide down my throat. It's perfectly healthy. Degrading? Says who? It's anything but. If you feel degraded when I shoot girl goo all over your face, then, by all means, feel free never to do it again. There are plenty of things I won't do for anyone. But I could care less about people who would do those things if that's what they enjoy as long as it's all consensual/legal and I don't have to see it. I could be wrong, but I imagine this couple having absolutely abysmal and dull sex. If getting blasted in the face by your partner's jizz is out of bounds, then I don't want to play in your world. If some dude ever said he felt uncomfortable with me slopping his face up because he licked me proper, I'd kick him in the balls and send him packing with a one-way ticket to woke wonderland. I'm sure I could find someone to take his place.


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