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Good morning everyone! I saw some hot twins last night in Academy Sports. I needed an elbow sleeve. There was a time when I dated a hot chick with a twin back in my very early thirties. People often asked me how I told them apart. It was easy. She always painted her nails pink, and he had a cock. Told you it was easy. I know, right about now, your saying, "shut up Brooke, we have had just about enough out of you and your just getting started." Anyway, moving on.

I did get laid on New Year's Eve. Yay for me! In a parking lot bent over the back seat of a pickup truck. By a very married man whose wife was inside probably wondering where he wandered off to. I know where his cock wandered off to. I'm not supposed to talk about this. He thinks his wife is suspicious of me. She has found his OnlyFans, and I am not the only person he follows, but she knows I actually live here in Daytona. She used to crash our training sessions in late 2020 and early 2021. Yes, my trainer is the one who stuck his dick in me on New Year's Eve. And I am very proud of that accomplishment. I drove him so insanely horny he chanced fucking me with his wife less than 20 yards away. It wasn't a stellar fuck. He was understandably rushed and nervous. He couldn't find his condoms, and he got so frustrated he just slipped it in bare. He actually worries that he might knock me up. I keep telling him he can't, but he doesn't listen. I know he's worried about catching a nasty, but in all these years, I have had not a one. Doesn't matter now because he left me dripping his nut onto his bench seat. Good thing it was leather because cloth stains. I'm just happy he finally nutted in my guts. For fucks sake, it took forever. Did I cum? Yes, I did. Nothing to write home about, but any orgasm is better than no orgasm, so there is that. I am looking forward to another round with him where we can take our time. He is a good-looking married man. His wife is going to have problems with him. His dick likes to wander. It can stroll right up inside my cunt seven days a week if it wants. I'm just saying. I know, I'm a terrible person, fucking married men as I do. Sue me.

Same night. I was invited to dinner with some folks I know and some other people I had never met before. And as it always does, someone brought up my porn past, pay-to-play history, and just about everything else. I don't know why people feel it necessary to do that. I made it clear I was retired from everything but OnlyFans. I explained that yes, I still fuck people on video but only for you guys to see. And two couples instantly labeled me the antichrist. Holy shit, they just couldn't contain their distaste for me. One actually left. Said they didn't want to be associated with someone of my sort. Yep, another dinner bombed by me. It's getting to be a pattern. I might have said a thing or two to accelerate things a bit, but for the most part, I just smiled and looked at them like the idiots they were. I think what set them off was when they started in on me about how they were married for 8 yrs and that to be successful in life, it required two loyal/faithful people. It just came to me, and I couldn't help myself. Before I could stop myself, I said, "Two wrongs don't make a right, take both of your parents, for example." And then they left. Highly offended, I might add. Followed by another snarky but more quiet couple. Everyone else was looking at me, and I said, "You invited me. What did you think was going to happen?" I explained I didn't bring up my career choice and pointed out who did. I also explained I am certainly not just going to sit around and listen to people who got a college participation degree that happens to think they have some innate right to bash on me. I own my career choice. I love my career choice. I would do it over again, only way better knowing what I know now. Look, I would have left well enough alone had they just let it go. I don't sit around and tell porn stories unless I'm with porn people. Everyone else, it's all about dogs, Jeeps, trucks, houses, completely normal shit. If I am with people I know who will have a problem with me being little miss porno, then I am a graphic-web designer and change the subject. I can't stop people who know from bringing it up. That's on them if it goes south. Mostly it doesn't. I get a ton of questions that I eventually shut down because who wants to spend the whole night yacking about work. Plus, it's not fair. My work stories always top everyone else's. But some people get highly offended like I just ran over their puppy with a Big Wheel. It happens. I did everyone a favor. I'm not saying the one lady's perfume was massively overpowering, but the canary was alive before she got there. I'm just saying. It's good to be me. I just don't take things that personally.



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