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These pics are from yesterday, I was feeling under the weather, but I felt like doing a few anyway. Made me feel better for about an hour, then it hit me, and I was totally out of gas. Such is life, but what a difference a day makes. Kids left me with a cold, and now it appears I have left the cold in my rearview mirror as well. So happy days and blue skies for that. My dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis. It's a joke. We all lived. Anyway, what's new? I looked up that chick that threw a hissy fit on the airplane at the old guy. She used to be hot back in the day when she did playboy. I would have licked her clean for sure. Is she bat shit insane? Absolutely. Most of these chicks are. They blame anxiety for everything. Which, in many cases, is the code word for drug and alcohol issues, but I'm rambling. I say stick a dick in her mouth, pump her full of sperm, and the anxiety will melt away. Just saying. I know when I'm anxious, it's usually for a dick. Or a pussy, I'll take the occasional pussy now and then as well. I have anxiety right now. I am very anxious to taste Connors's cock and even more anxious to feel my mechanic's dick bottomed out in my bottom.

The password to bt34gg is still christmasbbc so check that out. No username is required.

I have two entirely different plans for both guys. Listen to me, making plans with guys I don't even know if I will spend more than 2 minutes with much less fuck them. Sounds very presumptive of me. Oh well, let's pretend that I know that I will be getting bred by the both of them. Here is how I want it to go down. I want to absolutely destroy Connor sexually. I want to make him my 18 yr old puppy who will lick my ass on command. I want to make him empty his testicles in me, on me, around me, everywhere, and in five minutes or less. I want to make him cum so hard and so often and so fast he will never be able to see another chick the same way. For the rest of his life, I want him to remember me whenever he is about to get some lame pussy that will never compete. I will do things to him, for him, that no one else ever will, and he will beg for those things for the rest of his long life but most likely never get or feel again. I know, very mean, very cruel, but fuck, the thought of having him following me around everywhere I go sniffing my ass trying to get at my pussy is a massive turn-on. I hope he doesn't have the dick of a god because Bob is my owner, and I am still super into being owned by Bob. I'm reasonably assured he doesn't, as I have felt Connors cock. My guess is 6 inches, give or take a few.

Then I have my mechanic. Kind of reverse the above. Except I want him to be married. I want him to want me more than whoever he is with. I want him to dump his sperm in my guts every time. Why? Because it screams, I want to pump a baby in you because I like fucking you more than her. Fuck, I've said it before. I'll repeat it. I'm bizarre. I don't care. It is making me wet thinking about it. I want to be fucked in the car, in his shop, in his house, in a pool, and I want it to be super sexy and hot. Kissing, romance, all that goofy stuff. But he has to stay married or at the very least have a live-in girlfriend. Does that even make sense? Probably not, but that's how I picture it. Or at least how I want to imagine it.

What about Bob? The sole owner of my pussy at the moment. And my pussy needs to be taken out and exercised like yesterday. Bob did not disappear. I did sneak out one afternoon when he called, and I sucked him off in the car. Then I returned home and baked more cookies with his sperm still sticky in my throat. I love Bob's dick. I would marry his cock if that were a thing. Does Bob know about my other guys? He doesn't ask, and I don't tell, and I don't ask about who else is enjoying his cock, and he doesn't tell. As long as he shares his dick with me, I don't care. I will do whatever Bob tells me to do as long as I get to enjoy his penis. It's that simple. I don't want to kiss Bob, but I do want to kiss Bob's cock. Does that explain our relationship a little better? Probably not. I'll see Bob tomorrow. Bob has one downfall: he has little interest in fucking my ass. He has fucked my ass, several times but it's been a while. He is fixated on me swallowing his sperm without spilling a drop. He tells me to suck him until he is soft then I'm done. I do it. I want to do it. I'll keep doing it as long as he will allow me. But I would like to feel his nut deep in my colon a few times as well. Just saying. Now you know the story and status of my triangle of cock. Keep you posted. 

Catch you all in a bit!



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