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It’s Tuesday, it’s still 2021, and I still have time to get some strange dick. I don’t want to overthink it. My friends annoy me by overthinking. They spend more time wondering what guys think than guys spend actually thinking. Just saying. I keep staring out the window at Connor’s house. I feel like I would look good with his dick in my mouth. He talked a big game, but when it was my turn to play, he has kind of backed down. I wonder what makes him nervous about breeding me? I’m not expecting the fuck of my life. I would be happy if he just let me suck him off. It’s not the physical part of the sex I’m after here. It’s the knowing that I am the lady they make movies about. Stiffler’s mom. I want to be Stiffler’s mom. I want everyone in the neighborhood to know it. Plus, I have touched that 18 yr old cock. Now I want to taste the sperm that I need to work out of it even if it takes only 30 seconds. I can almost feel his cock in my hand just thinking about it. Hopefully, he will cum to his senses and let me do my thing to his cock. Who knows, though. This younger generation is quirky as fuck.

I was listening to some guy I know bitch about his girlfriend’s choices for just about everything. He doesn’t like her new car, and he hates her TV shows, is not a fan of her favorite restaurants, doesn’t like her choice of clothes. He said she makes stupid choices all the way around. I reminded him that she chose him. He told me to fuck off. I also reminded him how hot she was, and she could rethink her choice anytime with another at any given time. He said good point. I said maybe I should move in on her and see if I could get her to change her choice on whether she is gay or not. He told me just to keep my distance. I think he will be more accepting of her choices in the future.

The password for bbt34gg.com is still christmasbbc so check that out.

I like being able to switch from straight to gay in an instant. It keeps me stocked up on options. I admit it. If dick weren’t so perfectly awesome, I would be gay full-time. Sadly though, pussy just can’t keep my own pussy happy, full time. Dick, however, can. I can hold a dick in my hand, watch it grow, watch it shrink, watch it spit sperm. I can put it inside me, and I can put it in my mouth. I can lick it like a lollypop, and it cums with a bonus set of testicles. Some girls hate balls, but I love them. They fascinate me. Probably the same way a vagina fascinates you. I like knowing that I can do things to a dick that makes them give their sperm whether they want to or not. I can’t really do any of that to a vagina. I love eating vagina, especially when it’s attached to a body to die for. But after a week or two, I need a dick deep inside of me doing its absolute best to pump a baby in my guts. Come on, Connor. Step it up, and let us get this breeding out of the way, kiddo. Hell, I’ll even lick a pussy while you slip it in me from behind. That would be a win-win for everyone.

My friend has 5 cats. I don’t get it. Why do chicks gravitate towards cats? Personally, I am a dog chick. Big dogs. I have never understood why women love cats. Cats are independent, don’t listen, don’t come in when you call, they like to stay out all night, and when they’re home, they want to be left alone and or sleep. In other words, every quality that women hate in a man, they love in a cat. Just saying. I am very okay with my guys running around all night. I am very okay if they want to get their dick sucked by a sexy little bitch. I prefer they stick their dick in her so I can taste her later when he gets home. Again, I know I’m weird. Nothing turns me on more than a musty, previously fucked penis in my face. Except tasting said musty, previously fucked penis. That makes me even happier. I can assure you, many a boyfriend has unknowingly tasted the remnants of another man’s cock that plundered my pussy an hour beforehand. I love it when they tell me how they love how wet I am. The dummies. Just saying. I’d tell them, but guys have this thing about their girlfriends getting fucked by their friends.



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