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Let's start this Friday off with a couple of vanilla gym pics.  I'll do better today, I promise you that!  I'm just thinking of things to do.  Anyway, the password is still the same for bt34gg  and it's stacysmom21  so check that out.  I got some cool vids up on there recently.  On the subject of Stacys Mom.

Tanner is in my front yard trying to put my blowup yard decoration back in working order.  Iā€™m going to have to blow this kid.  I hate that Iā€™m going to, but I canā€™t help myself.  Itā€™s no longer just a challenge for him. Itā€™s become a fucking crusade. Iā€™ll suck the sperm out of his balls and ruin him for all the others.  Careful what you wish for Tanner, be very careful what you wish for.  Iā€™ll have to figure it out.  Fuck, he annoys me.  If he wasnā€™t so delicious, I think I could pass him up.  Itā€™s not that heā€™s the greatest-looking guy. As I said, he just looks so damn tasty.  It has to be that 18-year-old glow he puts off.  It just makes me want to lick his testicles.  I know Iā€™m a creepy old woman, but why fight it?  If it doesnā€™t happen in the next few days, it will have to wait till after Christmas.  I suspect it will be after the Christmas holiday.  An experienced ā€œCougarā€ knows patience is the best offense.  When he least expects it is when he will end up dumping his fresh nut down my throat.  Will I fuck him?  I donā€™t know.  I am more interested in drinking his jizz than anything else right now.  Plus, when you blow someone like him, you donā€™t have to worry about him nutting prematurely which is highly likely.  If he pops early when Iā€™m blowing him, I still get what I want.  Always have a game plan in situations like these.  If his dick is attractive as I imagine it to be/want it to be, then yes, Iā€™ll let him do his best to try and pump a cub into me.  Iā€™m not going to pass up a perfect penis, especially if itā€™s attached to an 18 yr old.  The odds that he possesses such a penis are not good, but I said that about my current 24 yr old boy toy and he turned out to be quite the stud.  So much so I suck and fuck on command for him.  Fuck me, what if Tanner turns out to be even better?  Now I kind of have to know. I got to stop.  Iā€™m turning myself on and I have to clean a carpet before guests get here.

Someone asked me if I have ever been fired.  Yes. Several times.  Twice for having sex.  When my boss was lecturing me about one of those times, he asked who the stupid one was in the conversation.  I said ā€œWell everyone knows you donā€™t hire stupid people soā€¦..ā€ and out the door, I went.  No job, no unemployment, and a week later I was working for his competition, who eventually bought them out and he got the ax.  Weird how things work.

I was skateboarding on the beach yesterday.  Yes, it runs very well on the beach.  A group of kids, probably 18 but not sure, called me the (R) word.  I would actually use it but itā€™s blocked on here. Stupid, but I donā€™t make the rules.  So they called me a short bus participant as they were standing around getting high.  I know, what the fuck, right?  I canā€™t figure it out.  It made me laugh when they did it.  I donā€™t know why, I just thought it was funny.  I donā€™t look stupid; I ride very well; I stand very comfortable, very loose.  It could have been the bikini top, Iā€™m thinking thatā€™s it.  They were chubby, all of them. Kids are like that these days.  Muffin top is the new skinny.  I donā€™t care, has nothing to do with me.  Thank goodness no one is chasing them, though.  Anyway, Iā€™m being mean now.  Doesnā€™t matter.  See Amendment 1.  If you donā€™t like that one, then proceed to Amendment 2.  Just kidding.  Kind of.  Wow, Iā€™m getting off track here. Back to it.  Iā€™m an R Tard according to them.  One of the greatest failings all kids, including myself back in the day, have is that we forget that guess what?  They are going to get old.  Pretty soon they will be the R_Tard and probably way more of one than me.  Till then, Iā€™ll keep fucking their fathers, occasionally their mothers, brothers, and sisters.  So I kept going and then I went down hard.  I mean 15 mph hard.  Rattled my teeth hard.  Thank goodness they didnā€™t see it.  But honestly, I was pretty impressed with myself.  I took a big hit and though it took a few seconds to get back up, put my tits back in and shake it off, I took that one like a champ.  Iā€™m a little sturdier than I thought I was.  That made my day.  The fact that I didnā€™t break, not getting called a R_tard.  Just saying.  Fun fact, packed sand, the kind you can drive on, is like concrete when you go down.  Who knew?

I donā€™t have a date tonight.  Fuckers.  I could use a little loving from a penis with a full set of testicles.  Fucking sounds fun right now.  Nothing stupid.  Just lay there and let someone slip it in.  Nice and slow, get me off, then use me as a cock sleeve until that someone empties himself in me, leaving nice and greasy for the rest of the day.  I hope someone calls, or more likely texts these days, or I will be having a date with my battery-operated piece of plastic.  I am just not in the mood for chasing around new guys in Target. Itā€™s too busy out.



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