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Was going to shoot a video for today but got stuck at the Dr's office for hours. Appointments apparently only exist to their benefit. If you miss your appointment, they bill you. If they make you wait for three hours, all is good according to them. Anyway, who cares about that silly shit? I am posting some new stuff tomorrow with Caska so make sure you watch out for that. I do believe that you will like it! 

I just finished posting about how I don't get recognized and of course, I get recognized. At the doctor's office, of all places. By a tech. He waited till it was just the two of us and said he followed me on Instagram and Twitter. I think he thought he would get more of a reaction out of me but I was so tired of waiting around I was like, "great, thanks." He wanted to talk, but again, I wasn't in the mood. Now I feel kind of bad for blowing him off and being grumpy. Three hours will wear you down, though. That's how long I waited. I know it wasn't his fault but sometimes the cunty mood just takes over and only time will reverse it. Shit happens. I hope he writes to me on one of them so I can say I'm sorry for not being more affable. He wasn't a bad-looking guy, I bet he will write to me. I hope so. Just so I can let him know I wasn't angry with him, per se. 

I got a text from my swinger chick. I was going to get together with her tonight, but I had to blow her off. I was way late, had to run the dogs, cook, clean, and wasn't going to be good company tonight. It's hard to read people's moods when they text. If they don't use emojis, I don't know if they are happy, mad, sad, whatever. She is supposed to text me tonight. The more I think about it, giving her a good eating out is probably just what I need right now. I don't even want her to return the favor. Just spend a good hour working her body over would be good enough for me. Give me spank bank material for another time. I am not sure what she wants from me, to be honest. I love a gay relationship but right at this time in my life, I'm just not in the mood for going full on gay with her. She is hot as fuck, there is no doubt, but I can only take so much of her issues, which seem to be compounding daily with her goofy husband. I blocked him but I'm sure he will find a way to get a hold of me. He isn't a bad-looking guy, his dick is pretty good. I'd suck it if he wasn't such a pain in the ass at the moment. His marital problems have zero to do with me. Word to the wise, if you plan on swinging, you better know your partner and I mean really know your partner. Some folks drag the other one into it and they don't really want to do it until they do it. Then you have created a monster that only someone else can tame. In his case, his wife is kind of fixated on me.  I can tell it’s a temporary thing.  She will get over the initial thrill, maybe go back to her husband and pretend none of this ever happened.  In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy licking her insides till she sprays me down.  Take what I can get, so to speak.  I do secretly hope she doesn’t go back to him and stays single and will be a super slutty friend with benefits.  We could slay some serious dick together and then clean each other up afterwards with a post game debriefing, if you know what I mean.  That sounds like a dream cum true to be honest.  I need to plan this out.  Just saying!



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