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It is wide open Wednesday!   Also question Wednesday.

People ask a lot of questions.  I answer as many as I can in DM’s but sometimes I get the same question multiple times so I will take a guess and assume that it is a popular question and answer them here.

This one I only got once but I feel it’s worthy.  “When are you coming to the United States?  I live in Florida, Daytona Beach, Volusia County…. last I checked that is the good old US of A.

What do you curl and what is your arm routine?  I curl 25lb dumbbells 4 sets of 20 and on each 3rd arm day I curl 35lbs 4 sets of 10-12.  Plus, I add a bunch of other stuff in but you get the idea.  I am bigger than you think.  I am tall and I have long monkey arms which give my them a smaller appearance.

Do I meat with people?  Of course I do.  I just don’t set up dates on here.  I meat people the old-fashioned way.  Out and about at restaurants, bars, gyms, clubs, and the likes.  I find online dates to be a tad bit serial killer like.

Have I ever fucked a fan?  Tons of them.  Lots of them were in my Shut Up and Fuck series, the others I just happened to run into out and about.  There is a slight misconception that if you know me and come up and say hi that we will be fucking.  Not how that works… at all.  

How many times a day do people recognize you?  Maybe once…. every month that is.  I am not famous, people don’t run up to me on the daily asking for photos and such.  I would consider myself fortunate if I get over one new fan to recognize me each month.  Do I like when people recognize me?  Absolutely.  I am not afraid to admit it, I love it.  That shit turns me on.  Probably why so many fans got lucky over the years.  Unless I am with kids, then use common sense and catch me another time.

What are you going to do when this ends, you will go broke and you won’t be able to get a job?  I actually get this question in one form or another several times a week.  Normally accompanied with a proposal of some sort.  I saved every month, and I didn’t buy dumb shit I couldn’t afford like expensive cars.  I paid my bills, kept my credit rating in the high 700’s to mid-low 800s.  I live well within my means.  I don’t care about jewelry, clothes, dumb shit like expensive purses and shoes. I shop at Walmart and I have been financially responsible for the last 30 years.  I am fully funded on my retirement though I have to wait like everyone else to get the full benefits but I certainly won’t be broke unless the entire world collapses but if that happens who cares anyway?  I don’t knock people who buy the best of everything; they are more than likely doing infinitely better than I am in their own way.  I chose the lifestyle I wanted; I was successful at it, and I am beyond thrilled at the results.  Would I change anything?  Yes, I wish I would have started in the adult industry at 18.  I feel like I cheated myself out of 10 plus years of absolute happiness working as a Respiratory Therapist instead of getting my box stuffed on camera.  I am very serious about that.  Plus, those were prime fucking years.  My box was on hormone overdrive and the world needed to see that.  It was chewing guys up and spitting em out like sunflower seeds.  Sorry I deprived all the world of that spectacle.  What I’m not telling you is my favorite porn stars of all time were in the 80s and 90s and I would have died at the chance to get at a few of them.



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