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Ok, so kind of out of things to post today so I will dig through some stuff and see what I got.  I got some good stuff for this coming week so keep an eye out for that.  Lets see what we can come up with today!

Do I have dirty thoughts often?  Yes, I do.  I always have.  I listen to guys tell stories about sitting in class with boners.  I used to sit in class with wet panties.  I used to imagine what the guys sitting around me looked like with a hard on.  They had zero idea how wet they used to make me.  So yes, I have dirty thoughts, and yes I take dirty pictures almost daily.  Some guys act like they don’t like that, but it’s all an act.  I had a chick ask me not too long ago what is the first thing I think about when I see a hot guy.  That’s easy, what his cock will feel like in my mouth.  That is always the first thing I think of when it cums to dirty thoughts.  The honest answer blew her mind.  I guess she thought I was going to say what a wonderful person I thought he might be.  Never.  That never pops in my mind.  It’s always get his dick in my mouth immediately.  We can worry about the personality things later.  I have no idea what guys think about first.  I would guess it’s something sexual.  I would hope its something sexual.  I may or may not have more of a sexual mind than most guys, that is open for debate.  However, what I do know is having a dirty mind makes boring conversations so much easier to take.  Just saying.

There is this thing going around about how chicks shouldn’t be gawked/stared at, complimented on, or otherwise even noticed if they dress like a complete whore.  Let’s get into this a little.  First things first, you had me at whore.  That is exactly what I was going for when I dressed up in this skimpy little outfit.  Second if we go by this insane logic that we shouldn’t check you out when you dress slutty as fuck, and thank the heavens for slutty dressers, then you should basically just walk around naked and we won’t bother looking at you.  Of course if you dress like a hot ho we are going to notice you.  I will notice you.  I will look at you.  No, I will stare at you with a lustful look in my eye, because you look hot as fuck.  That is the exact look you were going for so when you get the confirmation that we agree, you 're hot as fuck, then be happy for yourself.  You achieved the goal.  Now I’m not saying anyone should run up and get in their face or touch them in any way or even say anything remotely weird.  They shouldn’t.  But simply looking at you because you dressed hot a fuck isn’t rude in my book.  It’s the desired effect you were going for when you slipped that shit on.  So basically, fuck off with all this woke I can wear what I want shit and nobody better stare at me shit.  I’m going to stare at you.  Long and hard with a crazy look in my eye.  Admit it… that’s what you wanted all along!  Why else would you dress that way?  Because you like it?  You think you look good dressed all whorish?  You are correct, you look fantastic.  Me staring at you is my way of showing appreciation for a job well done.  Get used to it.  Now fuck off with all this crybaby shit.  You should be sending me thank-you notes for being a creeper.  Catch you all in a bit!



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