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Good Sunday morning everyone.  Hope your Saturday went well.  Mine did, but I was a bad girl. I went to a neighborhood picnic and had a good time.  I met a good-looking guy there, 34, nice bod, all that good stuff.  He was from Tampa but was visiting his parents here in Daytona.  Heā€™s married and has a few rug rats back in Tampa.  I left well enough alone, but he kept striking up conversations and flirting.  Not when his parents were around though, all they talked about then was his wife and the little ones.  They are truly fans of his wife, that much is obvious.  If they find out, I emptied his testicles all over my tits last night, lets just say they will not be happy.  It was a good fuck. Iā€™ll give him that.  We had to use condoms, though, and I fucking hate condoms.  Not that I think they are a bad idea, they arenā€™t. Nevertheless, that doesnā€™t mean I have to like them.  So, since he had a condom on anyway, I let him stretch my rectum out and plunge me with his dick till I came.  Then off with the condom and to work, I went till he dropped a nice load on my chest.  It was a lot of fun.  Until he started whining about how he shouldnā€™t of done it and he was an idiot. He loved his wife, blah blah blah.  I literally told him, ā€œDude, this isnā€™t the start of a relationship. You fucked my ass, made me cum, I sucked your cock, made you cum, lets shake hands and see you later.ā€  Then he got even dumber.  He started in on ā€œThatā€™s all I meant to you?  And I quote this next line ā€œI was just a sexual escapade?ā€  That made me laugh.  I donā€™t know why, but it did.  My laughing made him mad. The madder he got, the more I laughed.  It was an awkward cycle.  Anyway, I at least I got a good fuck out of him before I concluded he was a ding dong.  I almost want to show his parents the pics we took in his hotel room.  Every time I run into them across the street, and I do all the time, I will think about their sonā€™s dick sliding in and out of my ass.  If only he had ended this thing on a high note.  I would be furiously fingering myself right now, anticipating the encounters with his parents!  What is the moral of this story?  I donā€™t really have one.  I feel pretty good about the whole thing.  Maybe if you think you are going to feel guilty about dumping jizz in a woman, not your wifeā€¦ donā€™t do it.  Of course that seems silly to me, but who am I to judge?  Catch you all in a bit!



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