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  • 72a87ffc-1077-44d5-8fc5-be8527e74b15.m4v



Hello everyone.  Here is a bad ass video, a long one, but still bad ass!  I say that in an 80s kind of way when the word ā€œcoolā€ was replaced by ā€œbadā€ for whatever reason.  Still you should check this video out.  Itā€™s a long video, as I stated before, much longer than I usually make.  Why is it so long, you ask?  Because sometimes when you have another girl who is actually into the dick as much as I am, you have to share cock time.  Itā€™s only fair.  As you may notice, Boyd has a masterpiece of a dick.  We needed plenty of time on it.  Kenzie is super fun to work with and you should definitely check her out!  Anyway, watch this video and let me know what you think.  It is that time again where I grovel for tips but only if you are digging my stuff.  Itā€™s never required but undoubtedly massively appreciated. In case you were wondering who the others are, here you go, the amazing @kenzifoxx and the stud @boydbanksxxx 

Changing subjects.  Someone asked me how I live with myself when I cheat so much.  First, I didnā€™t make the rules of fidelity, they never asked for my input on them, I never voted to approve the rules of being faithful, so I donā€™t feel that I need to follow them.  In fact, I kind of make up my own rules and rule number one isā€¦ It isnā€™t cheating if he has a big dick.  Iā€™m just saying here.  Rule number two is important.  Itā€™s not cheating if I simply declare Iā€™m dating you bothā€¦ or in some cases, everyone involved.  Number three is a good one.  Your best friend is fair game.  I am simply being sociable with my vagina.  Itā€™s a long list of rules that I play by that by the power vested in me by me, allow me to allow others to place their penis inside me in a variety of ways.  Have I ever been cheated on?  Absolutely.  Did it hurt?  I guess it probably did.  Mostly because I wasnā€™t asked to join, and I felt left out.  Honestly, if you are dating me and you want to breed another chick, just tell me.  Sure, Iā€™m going to be heartbrokenā€¦ if I canā€™t join, but as long as you give me all the details down to each spurt of jizz, Iā€™m good with it.  I donā€™t know why guys are so afraid to say they have the hots for another chick.  There is something wrong with you if you donā€™t.  I have the hots for other guys, girls, trannies; you name it, if it looks good, I want it.  Doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t want to go home to you, just means my box got the slipperies for someone else.  I do get guys that get mad if I point out another hot dude when Iā€™m with them.  They shouldnā€™t.  There is always going to be a hotter girl than me, just there will always be a hotter guy than you.  Means zero other than they are fun to look at.  At least for me thatā€™s the case.  I suppose itā€™s not uncommon for people to fall in love with people off of appearance only.  Not for me, though.  My vagina falls in love on site, the rest of me just tolerates them while I try to get them to slip it in me.  Holy fuck, I am getting weird on a Friday!  I need to knock this one off about right here before I really start getting out there.

So, I didnā€™t watch the news for a few days.  I heard something about a pipeline getting goofed up but paid zero attention to it.  Itā€™s hard to pay attention to the news anymore.  Itā€™s never good, tends to be borderline ridiculous, and seems to be on never ending repeat.  Anyway, pipeline story.  So I went to get gas on my little Daytona Beach island and boom, no gas.  I actually put the nozzle in, and was trying to get my card to swipe before I read the message.  Fuckers were out of gas.  I look over and there is a guy sitting in the back of his pickup truck bed with three big blue barrels.  He was waiting for the tanker truck so he could fill them up.  Why?  I canā€™t figure that out.  I mean, if we actually run out of gas and I mean completely, where are you going to go?  Nothing will be open.  Nothing.  Everyone would be out of gas except for you, but even then, for how long?  Are you going to escape to somewhere?  Are you worried your lawn is going to get out of control?  Just tell me why?  I didnā€™t ask him any of those questions.  I would have liked to, but I didn't think about them till later, anyway.  So I drove away, went a half a mile down the road and filled up at the next station, no lines, no waiting.  Guess the joke was on him.  I have a little Honda that gets like amazing gas milage so I wonā€™t need gas for another month.  I donā€™t drive that much.  Anyway my point was I need to pay more attention to the news so I donā€™t shock myself when the next shortage of whatever it is we are going to run out slaps me in the face.  Someone said itā€™s the 70s all over again, Iā€™m not old enough to remember any of that but Iā€™ll take their word for it.


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