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I think these came out pretty good for just goofing around.  I had to take them all by myself, nobody around to push the snap button on the phone.  Timer and twisty tripod is the method and these pics are the result.  Let me know what you think.

Yes, I know I’m a mess in the morning.  You ain’t looking too hot yourself at zero dark thirty either.  Such is life.  I think I used to look OK when I was back in my 20s but that ship has sailed, docked, sailed again and is now sinking.  I know this.  Hey, at least I’m not waking up looking for my first shot of meth and if I don’t have that it’s off to Ace Hardware for a can of purple spray paint to huff.  I like grape flavor, hence the purple.  Don’t laugh.  I know people who do this.  I am watching a big name in porn come apart at the seams as we speak.  Porn is not for the fragile and mentally unstable.  It eats them up and spits them out without fail every time.  Sadly, porn attracts the unstable and broken.  I am neither.  I am extremely stable and I’m not broken in any sense of the word.  I am, however, twisted and that my friend is the only quality acceptable for porn.  One doesn’t grow to be twisted.  One doesn’t learn to be twisted.  You either are or you 're not.  There is no in between.  Being twisted is not a bad thing.  It’s not evil though I suspect there is a version for that.  I don’t have that version.  I am sexually twisted as I place more emphasis on sex than I do on relationships.  To explain that without explaining it… I like your dick a whole lot more than I will ever like you.  That is sexually twisted.  Is it wrong?  Not for me, but I only speak for myself.  I am very upfront about what you may or may not get with me so I don’t feel bad when another guy is about to unload his balls inside of me in the Walmart bathroom while my boyfriend is in the car waiting on me.  I am an excellent friend but I am an awful significant other.  Am I a sex addict?  No.  Is there really such a thing?  I don’t wig out when I can’t get a dick in me.  I don’t have to have sex.  I want to have sex.  I just like to have sex more than most but it doesn’t run, damage, or otherwise lower the quality of my life.  If someone loves to play chess, are they an addict?  No, they just love to play chess.  I love to have sperm dumped inside of me.  Half a dozen of one, six of the other.  Even if I was a sex addict and massively addicted to porn… I am not willing to change.  Fuck, I’m not a sex addict, I just have restless vagina syndrome.  It’s a thing.  Consider me a pervert, not a sex addict.  Sex addicts go to meetings.  I go to gang bangs.  Even if I was a sex addict, no rehab for me because as we all know, nobody likes a quitter.  Last one… get ready for it… I’m not a sex addict, I am simply committed to the cause.

OK, I’ll quit.  I am sure I have annoyed you enough for one session.  I got my sex meeting to go to… not rehab, just a bunch of guys waiting to breed me properly!




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