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Good morning, everyone.  Here are some pics from yesterday.  Hope you like em, itā€™s what I got.  They got me laid yesterday, so there is that.  I put a short video up on Twitter and boom, my side dicks started calling and texting before I could get my finger off the send key.  I had a date already scheduled though, so I set a few things up for this week.  My pussy should be well tended to for the next few days.  

The sex yesterday.  Not much to say about it.  It was just good sex.  I know you want to hear all the wild details, but there really arenā€™t any.  We got naked; I sucked his cock till he made me stop.  He was close to cumming.  He ate me till I came.  Then he slipped it inside of me, I fucked it till I came again, and he dumped his load in a steamy pile inside of me.  Just solid sex.  The way it should be.  The only thing that might be construed as out of the ordinary was I sucked his limp dick afterwards till it was kind of hard.  His dick wasnā€™t cooperating for a second round.  But I was having fun anyway, and he wasnā€™t complaining, so it was all good.  I was eating his dick when he announced he was going to cum.  I was thinking, itā€™s not hard, and heā€™s going to cum?  But I kept going, and he ejaculated in my mouth.  Not the usual pumping spurts, but a steady stream that would stop and start dependent on my sucking.  I sucked more, and it just kept streaming out.  No, it wasnā€™t p!ss, it was hot, mildly thick jizz.  I stopped sucking to think about it, but he demanded I keep going.  So I did.  His dick kept cumming.  Itā€™s like it had no pressure but a valve was stuck open.  It must not of hurt because he was all about me emptying his testicles.  Which I donā€™t know that I ever really did.  I stopped a few seconds to make sure everything was OK.  He was good, very good.  I sucked it again and more came out.  I stopped again, put some in my hand. It was cum.  It tasted like cum, smelled like cum, looked like cum, it was cum.  Where the fuck was it cumming from and how?  I donā€™t know.  I am still perplexed by the whole thing.  Not that Iā€™m upset or weirded out.  I would kind of like to explore it some more, to be honest.  I jerked it and only a little dribbled out of the cum hole.  I sucked it until I would get an unbroken stream of it and I wondered if something is broke and he just doesnā€™t know it?  Several things stand out.  He came but his dick was barely a semi erection when he did.  It didnā€™t have any pressure.  It wouldnā€™t stop if I applied suction.  Now, I vaugely remember a guy who never got it up but would cum anyway so that isnā€™t a first.  The restā€¦. a first.  Even more odd, his first ejaculation had pressure.  I could feel it pumping away and spraying sperm into my guts.  The feeling of him breeding me is what made me want to go for round two.  The second time nothing would come out unless I sucked it out.  Which I happily did but thats not the point of this story.  I donā€™t know what the point of this story is.  I guess I am happily perplexed by the human body and the oddities it can produce.  Would I be happy if every guy did this every time?  I donā€™t know.  I had this creepy mental feeling I was doing damage to something.  Like I was running a piece of machinery that was broke and only making it worse.  Which according to him isnā€™t the case.  But who wouldnā€™t say that to a chick sucking every drop of jizz from his balls?  Anyway.  That was my evening, how was yours?

So itā€™s Tuesday, I got a guy to fuck me and video it as well, but it didnā€™t cum out great.  I mean, the cum in the butt was awesome, but the video is a bit herky jerky.  Plus, he couldnā€™t cum and hold the camera, so we had to cut for a minute or two while he stroked his dick off in my butthole.  Not that Iā€™m complaining.  Iā€™m just happy to finally have someone nut in my rectum.  Itā€™s been too long.  I went to Publix afterwards and now Iā€™m horny as fuck again!  I got that freshly fucked and greased feel in my butthole.  Walking feels like gliding, kind of like when you first step off the treadmill, if you know what I mean.  Even better, I am still dripping.  Just a little bit, but enough to feel it on the inside of my buttcheeks!  Honestly, I would rather spend a good day of fucking than just about anything else.  Anyway, this video is less than an hour or two old when I posted it, so I got the fresh stuff for you today!  Let me know what you think, I know itā€™s not pro quality but you got to shoot with who and what you got!  @u125291845 

Just so you know.  I left a wet spot in my chair.  Wonder why.

They say not to judge peopleā€¦I donā€™t have to, my dogs do it for me all the time.  Just saying.

Itā€™s funny how small guys will say their dick is when they want to have ass sex.  Any other time and you think they are packing Godzilla by the way they describe it.  In all honesty, what does a giant fat dick get you?  A lifetime of no ass sex.  If itā€™s to fat or to long, forget about it.  I know some girls can shove a car up their keester, but I am not one of them.  I like average to small when I need a good ass banging.

Someone in the world of porn news just realized that George Floyd was in a few porns.  The headline reads ā€œDid you know George Floyd starred in Porn?ā€  Well yes I did, a long, long time ago, like when he first was killedā€¦ but thank you very much Captain Late to the party.  Only thing I didnā€™t know is how big he was, looks like 6ā€™5 or better.  The author then goes on to kind of insinuates that the media was hiding that fact.  No, they werenā€™t.  Thatā€™s how I found out.  It just isnā€™t relative to his death.  Had absolutely zero to do with it or even contribute to it.  My point?  Though an interesting fact, completely non relevant and selling the headline like that certainly insinuates clickbait and shitty reporting.  I certainly hope if I go down in a plane crash the headline doesnā€™t read ā€œDid you know Brooke Tyler starred in Porn?ā€  Out of sheer vanity, I would hope everyone already knew that for fuckā€™s sake.

Catch you all later!  I am posting more stuff on 34ggmilf so if are reading this you will be able to see that, I just have to set up your stuff so message me and leave me your email.


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