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Guys, I just wanna talk to yall and check in with you all. I am going to visit my parent today, which always give rise to anxiety in me. the constant judgment and control over my life. Get married, buy a house, a car, get a job, earn more money... when I do reach a goal, more is demanded, we as humans are conditioned to acquire more (security, shelter, wealth, material comfort) in order to survive, since acquisition is basically animal-instinct survival, which depends upon the ‘getting’ of mate, food, territory, shelter, dominance, and control. Thus, to animal instincts, the source of happiness is programmed as coming from ‘out there’. It is therefore ‘gettable’ and consequently subject to loss. The perceived sources of happiness leads to attachments and the emergence of control as a major survival mechanism, along with the desire for status and its symbols of security, materialism. We all have the basic human desire to ensure survival and avoid death.  All fears are rooted in physical death. We want a good job / money so we can feel secure and not starve to death / freeze to death without food and shelter. In our society feeling "secure" = make a living but in reality it is more suiting to refer it to making a dying because true happiness does not depend on external condition and originates from within whilst sense pleasure is transitory and always leads to dissatisfaction and more suffering. We suffer because we don't listen to our sufferings and we choose consumption as an escape and cover-up



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