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What kind of man do I find appealing? What mannerisms grasp my attention? What physical preferences do I enjoy?

I'm a complete package type of woman. My life is complete, satisfied by my efforts and accomplishments. A partner isn't meant to fill a void, in my eyes, but, meant to share in my wonder and excitement of the world. 
Sex, to me, isn't a journey. Sex is a mechanical act, as valuable to me as discovering a new travel location or writing a symphony. Each experience is different and yields unique returns. 
Over the years, sex and fucking has transformed in value. Sure, men have it way harder. Women hold your orgasm hostage, mostly for selfish reasons. That sucks. 
Men are not dogs. Boys are dogs. Men, are not. 
One of the reasons I don't enjoy the age play roles is because my physical arousal is connected to my mentality. I enjoy men. A grown man, not a male who's young in his head. 
A man who excites me can almost be anyone. Any race, any body type, any religious background, any age(over 18). 
If a man's attitude is attractive, my mind seeks to discover sexual excitement in his physical appearance. I'll find a sexiness about a man's smile, if he's shy about his skin. 
I'll find a rich arousal about a masculine shape, if he's plus sized......I get ga ga  if a man is fuller figured, a broad upper body screams  'all man,' to me. 
My fascination, with races not my own, yield just as much stimulation. My mouth waters with the rich, powerhouse hues of ebony men, the sultry erotica of a bronze skin, the elegant masculinity of a golden or olive hand. 
I love it all. 
Because my vagina sees sex differently than most women, my brain does the fucking. My head is what seeks the satisfaction.
Three out of five times, that I get into bed with a man, I don't even need to have any orgasm. It's only moderately important to my happiness. 
It's attitude. All attitude. I've made love to men who were paralyzed, and been in heaven. 
I've had lovers with unannounced penis sizes who've been ethereal in bed. 
I've enjoyed the culinary enthusiast with a lack of athletic interest. 
I've reveled in the Man with extensive life experience. 
Its about the connecting. Are you funny? Do you know how to laugh? Do you have the ability to see humor in fucked up situations? That puts a woman at ease, tells her you won't fly off the handle. 
Are you comfortable in your own skin? Do you like yourself? That tells a woman you're into her because you find HER attractive, not because you require coddling. 
Do you find happiness with your own company, but, offer to share it with her? Independence is attractive, but, allowing someone to share your time is really special. 
Needy lovers are just exhausting. You know all too well. You fuck a girl once and she's blowing up your phone.... That shit is a hassle. Time should be shared because you want to not because you have to......
Do you respect yourself? That's open ended, can be construed in many different ways. My version: a man who sets his own standards and upholds them is the sexiest motherf*cker on the planet. 100%. 
If you can do right by your own beliefs, no matter what they may be, I'll make time for you. 
I find a man insanely attractive of he's got a passion, a subject he holds dear. I want to know everything about it! Whether it be a football team, (I LOVE FOOTBALL!), or a sonnet. It could be a symphony or a rap artist. 
A passion could include politics or art or cooking... anything that fascinates a man. That's a gift to give a woman, your interests. Have those!
I once dated a man who had an avid love of motorcycles and stray animals. He was in a motorcycle club, doing MC things, but he rescued endangered dogs. 
I've dated truck drivers, who've seen the country, with cooking skills and a love for home cooked food. 
I've dated military men with world knowledge and police officers with a soft spoken love for people...... 
My love is for the unique. I see that which makes a man different. I choose that man because he's different and because he knows it. 
The man with something to offer doesn't have to be rich or physically perfect. 
He has to have no apologies for who he is, how he became to be. He's got to enjoy me for the same. 
Have a wonderful day!😚😚😚😚😚



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