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My peeps
My man fans 
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The rest of this decade will be our hardest one yet. 
Not because of the obvious, but many troubles are going to hold each of us back. 

The world is now majority liars. 
The minority of good, honest people is much smaller than any of us want to hear. 

18 Creators claiming TOP 🔝 whatever and only 5 of them are telling the truth 
**BABES THAT IS MORETHAN 2/3 OF PEOPLE LIARS** because they can not figure out how to double check before they doubled down and went all in on inflating their worth. 

Integrity. It’s that part of your personality that does what is right even when no one is looking and I am at least proud to feature for you here the 5 creators who have integrity even when they don’t have to 

Interesting that the men aren’t caught up in the scandal. 

These creators got very close: (almost correct) 

It would be very rude for me to mention the names of the creators who take quite a bit of artistic license with their status in life, however I will publish the numbers they claim: ***actual ranking second***
🔝1.9 😱12.9
🔝3 🤔13
🔝 1.7 🤣75 
🔝 2😒10 & 51
🔝 2 😲40
🔝 1😑39
🔝2😤7 &59
🔝2.3 😵‍💫59 & WORSE THAN ANYONE🤪
🔝 .13🥸.26
🔝.08 🤥58 &80 

✅😂✅😂✅😂✅😂✅let’s look at the liars!
It sure is interesting how their brains almost **ALL CHOSE** to go for that Top 🔝 2% that must be the sweet spot for lying so you don’t get caught perhaps because look how many of them went for that yummy 2%

🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶💋now let’s have MATH CLASS🥳🥳🥳🥳
Only 10 creators get the very tip and it looks like this 🔝 . 010
Then when we get to the next column only 100 are 🔝.100
But each time we move over one column more and more creators end up in that group. 
When we lie and say oh let me coach you I am 🔝.08% we should all be able to quickly know ***BASED ON THE MATH*** that that person is full of it.

Anyone who shares the TOP 1% status with the other 99 creators that are in there, **dont have time for us, baby girls & boys** and if they DID let me hand you a huge *duh* they wouldn’t “HELP” you for anything under **THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.**

***guys, use your brains and you won’t end up SCAMMED.***
The first slide is just a pic to keep the non-creator fans happy.
The 2nd slide is for creators. 🤷🏼‍♀️This is regarding post data and how to read stats. 😩 I know boring but this is buisiness and this is what an ANALYST does so if what I’m about to tell you gets you hard & wet, maybe consider a degree in a variety of buisiness majors. 

**Unique Views** is the number of people who have seen the post
**views*** is how many times the post has been seen

They are BOTH IMPORTANT or they wouldn’t be available but if you read the fine print it says “hey we might mess up and these numbers might be wrong” which means that like ALL data, you must also use other facts and then combine it all with a pattern BEFORE we know what the numbers are telling us. 

The NUMBERS (the data) will be the same for anyone who looks at it, but the meaning of that data is dependent on other data, some of which lies in our brains. That is why we need ANAL. Analysts pound away. They flip those numbers over and tap that calculator from the back. 

Some ppl think it’s boring and others find it hard, but ANALYSIS is what gets some of even harder. 

**IF YOU ARE USING THE POST DATA TO SELL OR BUY AD SPACE** it is important to remember that this data is for **that post ONLY** and the same results are NEVER going to be the same for another post because another post IS NOT THE SAME. 

***Babes*** I have included some stats that I got randomly under “beaver” from my feed here. 
You may go to my archived posts and take a look at the data on my shouts. They never get the same attention as the posts about me. (and it sure the fuck IS NOT because I am so great. Hell no!)
This is most likely explained by the fact that our fans come to us for us and when they see a shout, their brains know it’s an ad. 

Each post will rack up the views in the first week and then it hits marginal returns and starts to decline. 
You can pin a post until the end of time and it won’t do any good past a week🤷🏼‍♀️
Because I leave the shouts up until they meat a goal, I have seen that the fans DEFINITELY react to the shouts on my page that I have written myself about other people. 
This posts reach the 300 goal VERY QUICKLY and I am able to take them down much sooner than the same old copy/paste that sounds flat and boring. 



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