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If you aren’t where you’d expect yourself to be right now, then take a look behind you. 
Now step to the side and let those fuckers pass you. They were dragging you down if they aren’t lifting you up. 
Feel that? It’s the dead weight of your fake friends and the family that’s always held you in secret contempt. 

Each and every one of us is fully capable of reaching our full potential ON OUR OWN and even higher with the right opportunities and support. 

When we struggle, it is an illusion that we are alone. The dead weight is the struggle, even if we can’t see it. 

Other people can see it and the opportunity for the scammers and grifters appears in the form of a vulnerable individual. People who promise to “help” by “coaching” you in this game they call life. Well it’s not a game full of secret plays that certain better people have access to. 

Trust me, when I promise you that you don’t need to PAY for “coaching” to navigate a social media platform 🤣 

If people don’t PAY to be educated then they don’t belong GETTING PAID to fake train someone else. 

Trust me again, when I promise you that there is nothing you can’t simply ask another person about FOR FREE, regarding online platforms. 

Just ask and you shall receive dick pics. Wut? This is Onlyfans, baby 💋



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