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Health update TW 🚨 (hospitals, illness.. Etc) 🚨


So my tooth surgery did not happen today (Monday Aug 7th) 

I ended up having the worst migraine of my life last night/morning. I was shaking, nauseous, crying, felt a little delusional, extreme pain in the front of my head and in my neck.
Ended up in the ER around 3am.
I got sick in and outside the car on the way there.

The ER gave me steroids and a migraine cocktail. They struggled with my IV multiple times, 3 different nurses. The benadryl they gave me made me get sick again.

They did lots of routine scans. Everything came back normal.
The pain eventually got somewhat better & I stopped shaking.

I will say the hospital staff was the nicest ive ever had.
I've had awful treatment in the past. 
I didn't want to go but I'm glad I did.
I didn't get home until around 7am.
I canceled my tooth appointment because I knew I would be too tired to wake up + the possibility my migraine would still be a thing. I had hopes they could reschedule soonish. Sadly they weren't  able to. Just have to hope it doesn't get worse for a while.
I have contacted my primary doctor. I'm working on getting a referral to a specialist.

Today has been a lot of resting. Still having pain but manageable enough on over the counter meds to lay down on the couch with my doggo & watch movies/TV 🥺

I won't be getting on vr or my computer until the migraine has completely passed. Just to be on the safe side. Don't want a rebound headache.
It was a very scary experience. Especially with getting sick. I've never had a migraine make me get sick.
This isn't the first time I've been to the hospital for migraines, but this time felt like the biggest wake up call for me.
I'm doing okay now.
This post is to make you all aware of what's going on with me. 
You all support me so much and when I can't create content for a while I like to let you all know what's going on. ♡

Hopefully back to posting consistently very soon!
Much love - Kitten ♡


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