[OnlyFans is no longer allowing me to include download links.. (OnlyFans)
2022-06-11 19:56:35
[OnlyFans is no longer allowing me to include download links within my videos. I've gone back and forth with their support in an effort to try to convince them to change their mind. I will try and figure out an alternative. As you know OnlyFans downgrades the quality of my uploaded videos and also makes the video a lot choppier. If you want a 4K copy of the video then message me and I'll arrange a download link for you.] I SQUIRTED ON CAMERA. SQUIRT! SQUIRT-SQUIRT! Wow, who would've guessed that someday I would film myself squirting. I will be recording even more squirt content soon because I think EVERYBODY wants to see it I'm editing the boy/girl video right now, it will be finished in three days :)