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Fun fact part three: 

If there’s one thing you can do to help your health TODAY - it’s to remove the polyunsaturated fats. PUFAS damage your body at the CELLULAR level! Polyunsaturated fats are liquid at all temps, mostly plant fats, and are deficient in hydrogen atoms, making them “un” saturated. 

The missing hydrogen atoms causes them to be very unstable and oxidizing through light, heat (the stove or YOUR OWN BODY which is 98.6 degrees.)

When PUFAS interact with the cell, oxidizing can occur. 

Oxidation baby. Oxidation = chemical reaction with oxygen which changes the chemical structure. 

And that’s not even taking into account what happens when these fats are processed in a plant. These hydrogen atom deficient fats are already so sensitive, imagine what happens to them when we put them through a processing machine to turn them into oil :D so think about them hitting your cells at body temp, imagine what happens when they’re are heated up to the extent of turn gin them into oil.....

When we consume oxidized oils, our bodies has to process, right? And when oxidized (anything) PUFAS mix with our cells, free radicals are created. 

*Free radicals = cancer, insulin resistance, inflammation 

When the cell is exposed to free radicals, it does cause damage to the actual integerity of your cell. 

BUT WAIT! Z! Polyunsaturated FATS ARE ESSENTIAL! What about that?!

PUFAS are anti-metabolic. PUFAS were fed to cattle (and are stilll fed to cattle in factor farms) to fatten them up quickly because it is known that PUFAS are directly antithyroid and antimetabolic! 

One more fun fact while we’re on the topic: did you know canola oil, sunflower oil, flaxseed oil (PUFAS) were added to oil based PAINT. Once oil base paints were made illegal, they had to figure out what to do with these oils, so….naturally they demonized butter and lard through media and fear mongering and added it to the standard American diet :D :D :D :D 

And we all ate that shit up. Literally. 

They PAID scientists to come up with studies to prove that PUFAS were healthier than butter and lard. They PAID marketing companies to push this! 

Learning this created such a sad rage inside of me. Imagine the lives that were lost because of this? All for what? For profit. If I think too much about it, I’ll be in bed all day. And what good is anxiety or hurt when it doesn’t force you to change? I hope you can read this passage and understand the severity of what I’m talking about and make a change. 

Anyways, here’s why we hate PUFAS: 
- Antithyroid
- proestrogenic
- Impair mitochondrion function 
- They are immune suppressive 
- Cause damage to the liver cells and damage liver detoxification
- Suppress your body’s ability to make stomach acid and digestive enzymes
- They cause insulin resistance 
- They can impair the body’s ability to burn fat 
- They can cause photo aging - these oils are very heat and light unstable. When sun hits your damaged cells that are made out of puffs, that’s when we see skin spotting and liver spotting!

PUFAS to stay away from 
- FISH OIL - fish oil is highly unstable and absolutely goes rancid. I’ve taken fish oil out of my diet and my inflammation markets drastically improved…
- Almond oil
- Canola oil/rapeseed/cottenseed oil
- Flaxseed oil
- Linseed oil
- Margarine
- Peanut oil
- Safflower oil
- Sesame oil
- Soybean oil
- Sunflower oil
- Vegetable oil 

Cut out these oils and see if you feel better. What do you have to lose?



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