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Why I fight to ovulate (and why it has nothing to do with pregnancy and everything to do with longevity) 

Long story short: I fight to ovulate so my body makes progesterone monthly.

Long story long:

Many women assume that if they have a regular period they regularly ovulate, but we can bleed once a month without having an ovulation.
Anovulatory cycles are commonly the cause of low progesterone since ovulation is the only way we MAKE progesterone.⁠

Low progesterone levels can leave us with symptoms of poor bloood sugar control and susceptibility to stress: like feeling anxious, not sleeping well, low temperatures, moodiness, miscarriages, tender breasts and pms symptoms during the second half of our cycles.

It is our first defense against stress and has lifelong impacts on our brain, our BONES, our liver, our breasts, our uterus and our ovaries since we have so many progesterone receptors in these areas.⁠

If you know a woman who struggles with PCOS, PMDD, Endo, Depression, Anxiety, PMS, autoimmunity or thyroid issues, Progesterone is absolutely ESSENTIAL to your loved one’s well-being.⁠

In the words of Dr. Ray Peat: (whom I get all of my information from)

“ In several ways both progesterone and thyroid hormone can be considered primary regulatory hormones. Both of them regulate metabolism directly at the energetic and synthetic levels: both have a normalizing, anti-stress action on the pituitary gland; and each has a promoting action on the other. Both are blocked (and consumed) by stress and promoted by light and good nutrition. Both are nutrients in cultures that eat the whole animal, including ovaries and thyroid, butter, cream and milk contain small amounts of progesterone and shellfish seems to be a good source.”⁠

Progesterone deficiency can look vastly different from individual to individual, but can commonly look like:⁠
- water retention during the luteal phase⁠ (
- metabolic Issues & low blooood sugar
- anxiety⁠
- constant tension⁠
- rapid aging & muscle loss⁠
- insomnia⁠

How I track:
Cheap at-home method:
the best way to tell if we ovulated is to look for a 0.6-1.0 degree temperature increase, egg white cervical mucusus, and check our cervical position for soft and open.⁠

More expensive bt double the reassurance: dutch test from a functional doc but make sure to take the test 5-6 days after you see your temps increase.

How I fight:
Having strong ovulation requires NUTRIENTS and ENERGY. We don't ovulate well when we don't nourish ourselves well.⁠

Carbs from nutrients like honey, dairy, fruits and roots (carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes)
Protein from meats, dairy, eggs, organ meats, gelatinous foods and seafood.
Fats from butter, cream, chocolate, and tallow are

These foods are all nourishing on so many levels.⁠

So, ladies (or men with ladies close to their hearts)

Step one:
provide the body with an abundance of nutrient-dense foods⁠ ⁠(see above)

⁠Step two:
reduce stress by balancing bloood sugar with the right amount and balance of protein, carb and fat⁠ frequently enough
(I eat every three hours to balance my bloood sugar when there’s not a parasite chillin')

Step three:
become aware of both internal and external stressors and taking steps to reduce them:
sleep, sunlight, exercise, relationships, stress levels, etc.
⁠(I do this through bodywork, somatic therapy, saunas, healthy boundaries, mediations, gratitude, and red light when I don't have access to sun.)



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