Look closely at this picture. Look at my face. It shows a s.. (OnlyFans)
2022-03-06 06:28:10
Look closely at this picture. Look at my face. It shows a smile. But it also shows eyes that have shed tears and a sense of hurt somewhere in there. Maybe you can’t see it. And you just see a cute girl laughing and smiling taking a dorky mirror pic. But let me tell you what is REALLY going on In this picture. I AM A HOT MESS. And I am pulling MYSELF up out of the feelings. I went to the bathroom, washed my face, and looked in the mirror and reminded myself how strong I am, how big of a badass i am. And I simply just smiled at the girl in the mirror and reminded her that no matter what she goes through….she can fucking do it. This is me helping myself overcome doubt and anxieties. I’m trying. Are you trying?