Hey everyone!! unfortunately I won't be sending out any cont.. (OnlyFans)
2021-07-21 06:12:02
Hey everyone!! unfortunately I won't be sending out any content tonight. I went snorkeling today with my "waterproof" phone today and has been out of the water for hours now and my phone still won't charge and its dead. (I dont have a wireless charger either) All of my content is on my phone so I can't send anything out😭😭😭Luckily I have my computer so I can answer messages but I dont have any content on it. Fingers crossed for me that my phone dries overnight otherwise I won't have a phone for the rest of my trip😭😭😭 FML no phone, no pics, no content😭😭😭😭 IF anyone has any tips on how to get my iPhone 12 to dry let me know. Every time I try and charge it, I get the "liquid detected" error. I tried tapping the port right side up (like it says online)to try and get out any excess water. I was told to put it in a bag or rice but then not to because the particles can damage the port, etc. Any tips?