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I’m going to tell you about my sister. So much to cover here so buckle in for a long read. I’ll explain how I first introduced her to my lifestyle, some info around what we filmed together and some behind the scenes stuff!

Before I get into it, I wanted to try and articulate my thought process around why this didn’t break a golden rule between Zero and I: No other people involved. Well, it’s my sister, Zero’s sister-in-law! That naturally created certain obvious boundaries that we wouldn’t cross and made it feel OK. Like, it wasn’t stepping over that boundary in our relationship. That being said, it felt close enough to that edge to make me realise it’s a good rule!! I never want anyone else involved in that way. 

Let’s get into why it came about in the first place at all. Well, the short version is, a couple of years ago, my sister was moving for work and was going to pay a crazy high rent rate for temporary accommodation whilst she was between places. Naturally, I wanted to help her out and offered for her to stay at my house to save all of that cash…

But staying at my house would mean without doubt that she’d have to see me training Zero to a degree. Some of it I could keep behind closed doors but he’s a full-on slave right, I couldn’t hide it. I didn’t want to wind back his training to a vanilla level as I didn’t think that would do him any good – so I felt I had two options. One, not offer to help her! But it was a lot of money and I had a spare room… Option two was to just be honest with her and at least then she would have the choice. 

As you know, I went with the second option! So I messaged her and said I could help out with a place to stay (she had been hinting!) but I train my husband. At first she sort of laughed it off but I needed to be sure she understood what this REALLY meant. It would have been so disruptive and a massive pain in the ass if she planned to move in and then didn’t because she wasn’t comfortable. So I had to be transparent about it to give her an informed choice. 

Deep breath, I told her about Zero. Everything. That he’s a slave. Chastity. Naked. Hooded and mitted little bitch boy. I told her that she could move in but I’d continue to train him around her and that she would have to be OK with that. And I was a little shocked when she said this was OK with her. 

Worth noting at this point my sister is vanilla. Like, lights off to get undressed sort of vanilla! So I was expecting her to say no! But before you know it her stuff is in a car outside and she’s sat at my kitchen table and we’re drinking a bottle of wine… 

I did one last check with her, telling her once she sees Zero in his true state she’ll never see him the same way again… but she just said it was fine. So I went and brought Zero downstairs. 

He was naked, wearing a hood with a gag and a blindfold. Caged of course and with his mitts tightly buckled on. I was nervous up until this point as the whole thing was a bit surreal, but leading him into the kitchen by his balls and then just having a good gossip with my sister about how pathetic his life was and how I was changing him… honestly it was really fun.

My sister ended up staying with us for three months over that summer, much longer than was planned due to an issue with her next accommodation. Zero cooked for us, acted as a butler, painted our nails and did some limited pampering stuff – he was always naked – she even saw me butt plug him regularly. But she was never fully nude in front of him and was quite hands off generally. 

One fun story from those three months. My sister can be very frustrating and, turns out, difficult to live with. But one day, Zero answered her back and I couldn’t have that, obviously. So I put him on the bondage bench on all fours. Ass up. 
The game was we had a bamboo crop each and we had 10 minutes to cause as many marks as we could. I had his right butt cheek, my sister had his left. 

In my excitement to punish him with my sister we underestimated how long 10 minutes would be for the task! We were both sweaty and tired by the end! Try swinging something as hard as you can for 10 minutes solid! It was a workout to say the least. The other fall out of me doing such a long time window was the state of Zeros ass!! It was the deepest worst beating I think he’s ever had. The marks stayed with him for weeks. But he never answered back again. 

Anyway, eventually she moved out and although Zero might have painted her nails when she came over occasionally and she now fully knew about my life, it was no big deal really as she only came over now and then. 

Fast forward a couple of years and she’s at my house for dinner and makes a joke that I should film it for the internet…. I just came out and told her that I do!

After a giggly conversation I joked back and said she should be in some videos and she was just sooo into it! I’ve rarely seen her so engaged…. But I said I show everything, and that she’s not been a proactive part of training him in all ways, so she’d have to be comfortable with trying it… after a few weeks she agreed, came over and I filmed us working on Zero! 

I’ve posted the videos here as most of you are all aware of, I’m sure. If you haven’t seen them yet, go and check them out! 

I promised you some behind the scenes stuff so let’s start with that, and then I’ll let you know a bit of a twist that happened. 

Behind the scenes 1: During the facesitting gamer time video she said it was the first time she sat on someone’s face! I didn’t want to embarrass her on the video so I tried to keep it less obvious, but she got so wet after the first two minutes she literally glazed Zero’s face and it was genuinely slippery sitting on him after her! 

Behind the scenes 2: The pampering video was the first time she had been naked in front of Zero (as when she lived with us, Zero’s service for her wasn’t that full on). But since then, if she stays at my house overnight, she requests Zero to wash her in the shower as a service like he does with me. 

Behind the Scenes 3. Basically she treats Zero like a slave completely when she is at my house, and we’ve pegged him off camera and it’s all very normal now.

OK and now for a bit of a weird twist… I love my sister, but she is extremely annoying for a few reasons!! You guys know I have limited patience and a bit of a control complex, so I ended up having to train her a bit! I just couldn’t help it and although sulky, she accepted it. I won’t go crazy with the detail here but so far, it’s happened twice. 

The first we were pegging Zero off camera, the second only time we’d done it, she suggested it. But when we got going, she just seemed like she couldn’t be arsed. She can be like that, a bit moody, and lazy! But this is important to me. It’s my house and I don’t want Zero to expect an easy ride! I warned her a few times but eventually I said if she wanted to be involved, she needs to listen to my training and not ignore me. We carried on and then she clearly had an attitude, so I told her off!! I lost my temper and in no uncertain terms told her who the boss was! She agreed to strip off and let me tie her arms behind her back. I told her the depth and speed I wanted her to go on Zero and used a crop on her ass to keep her going to my expectations. Not too hard haha! But enough for her to not want the crop and work up a sweat. She pegged him like that, human forniphilia style, for 20 minutes whilst I watched before I untied her arms and gave her her clothes back! 

The second time, she was supposed to come over to do a 6th video (that was never filmed!) but she turned up to my house so late it just ruined it. She was hours late. I’d set up cameras, done my makeup, everything. And she just didn’t care with that flippant indifferent attitude that makes me see red in about three seconds. So, for that, I made Zero knock up a quick frame and gave her the option of being banned from my house forever or apologising in a way that I chose… I made Zero make a narrow frame so she was cuffed squatting, legs held open by the bars and made her sit there nude getting fucked by the fucking machine with a wide toy for a solid 45 minutes whilst I watched TV with Zero pampering me. Awkwardly, and she did a good job of trying to contain it, but I think she came halfway through it too. That night as Zero was getting me ready for bed he said the same thing so I’m pretty sure she did. 

And guess what, she was on time for the next time she was supposed to be at my house! 

And that’s you guys up to date. My sister has now moved over 210 miles away for work! Almost the opposite end of the country from me. So she won’t be here much. Also, the videos she was in didn’t generate a lot of tips etc. and she took that quite personally, so she wasn’t too keen on filming after the first videos. You have to have a thick skin to film yourself and put it out there and the knockback made it too much for her. 

But every week we talk, and she asks me ‘how Zero is getting on’ and I tell her. She still asks a lot of questions about his training so I think I’ve opened a door for her but who knows…maybe she’ll continue being vanilla or maybe she has a taste for what you can get from a relationship if you train your partner properly.  

I’ll just wrap this up by saying, just to save me the messages, that I won’t be introducing her to anyone that asks. Internet safety. Privacy. Common sense… just no. Asking will be shut down, just an FYI.


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