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The story of Zero’s chastity journey is a long and bumpy road that leads finally to what you see now - full time, permanent 24/7/365 chastity. Let me try and briefly explain that process if I can.
I wanted to start training my then boyfriend in a more femdom lifestyle and chastity clearly had to be a part of that. Men are easier to control and direct when they’re horny. 

We were much younger then as this was only a year or two into our relationship, we were in our early 20’s and actually still lived separately when I ordered Zero his first cage, a CB-6000! Now, I quickly discovered three main issues with this sort of cheap, generic plastic cage which annoyed me greatly. 

1.	I went on holiday with my family leaving Zero in the cage. When I returned, he showed me that he could simply pull out of the back of the cage! At the time we were not at all full time FLR, far from it, so he just thought it was funny – but I was livid. He didn’t know then, but that was when I first researched getting his cock pierced. 
2.	It has real hygiene issues. Being a closed plastic shell design, not only was hygiene and good water flow difficult, but you could literally see the plastic get smeary and gross. 
3.	The final straw, I ‘forgot’ the key on a trip we went on and Zero panicked. With one pretty easy twist of the padlock he snapped the white plastic bar that secured it, allowing his escape with next to no effort. I couldn’t believe it.
At this point I had made my mind up that Zero was to live in chastity, it was clearly the best option for him. But I wanted something more secure, more hygienic and something he couldn’t pull out of. 

I had looked into getting him pierced, but as I was still gamifying femdom to ease him into the idea, I thought that might have set back his progress – so I looked for alternatives. 

This is when we spent a few years with different Mature Metal devices. These solved a few issues to an extent as they were metal, making them largely unbreakable. You could also get them with anti-pull-out spikes which I thought somewhat limited this issue, although not completely. But other issues now popped up… Those are fairly heavy metal cages which used to pull down and sit low on his balls, eventually leading to severe chaffing on the underside of his ballbag. Now I don’t mind Zero being in discomfort, you know that, but when he has to work and do other things, he can’t be in a state of constant extreme discomfort nonstop, it isn’t practical to a 24/7 lifestyle in reality. 

I persevered with a few custom Mature Metal cages, but it was only really for 5-7 days at a time before he needed a break and his skin needed to recover. These breaks would often set us back or basically reset his training as it wasn’t bedded in enough for a gap in routine etc. A frustrating time. I was making some gains… He was now comfortable cleaning my ass, he’d accepted I had a kink for putting things in his ass haha, things like that. But we were miles from where I wanted to be.
Things ultimately changed when he proposed to me. At this point I was pretty hard on him, albeit not a full-time lifestyle, more scene stuff, but he knew the type of lifestyle I was training him for eventually and I was already becoming the boss. The week he proposed I knew the time was right and booked his piercing. I’ll describe that whole process another time… 

Prince Albert Chastity is different. I mean its just so real! I had to go through a stretching process with Zero and we had to buy a few cages (which took months at a time) to find the perfect fit. But once I had found a cage that was just right for him, the game changed in several ways which I’ll try and explain. 

Fit and comfort – as the cage partly shares its weight with the piercing as well as his balls at times, he didn’t get that ball stretch issue. I was able to make the fit super snug, so there wasn’t enough room for him to begin to get hard and pull on his balls (previously a morning glory issue). Now when I tease him, he might twitch in frustration as he tries to get hard, but it goes as quick as it starts as he doesn’t even begin to get a hard on, there just isn’t room with the piercing and well fitted cage. Comfort wise, Zero has worn his cage 24/7/365 except a few hours here and there with no issue. He can run, cycle, work all day etc.. no issues. Apart from hygiene maintenance there really isn’t a need for the cage to come off from a comfort perspective. 

Security – Flat cages, inverted cages, anti-pull-out spikes, urethra tubes… I’ve tried them all on Zero. Non are totally secure from a pull-out perspective. In my opinion the only way to ensure the cock stays firmly seated in the cage is with a prince albert piercing. I’m changing locks on Zero’s cage to be a complex proprietary screw so ultimately if he wants to get out of the cage without my permission he’d have to drill the lock out. Tricky and dangerous to say the least! (and I’d hear him 😉)

Aesthetic – I personally like that I’ve changed a part of his body he used to treasure. Seeing metal I decided on pass through his tiny cock makes me smile. He used to think he was such a big strong, alpha male and now he hasn’t even touched his own cock in years, the piercing is a visual reminder of that I think. 

And finally, and most importantly, it became the catalyst to changing our relationship from a bit kinky, to full time FLR. When Zero knew the cage had to come off regularly for whatever reason it was all just a game. He found it fun, but we also had a conventional sex life etc. Now, suddenly, when the cage really didn’t have to come off… the games stopped and the serious training a changes started. When a week passed that was normal. When two weeks past he was a bit grumpy… when a month passed in the cage he began to break.  
I began to increase the periods he was looked up for rapidly, moving to several months at a time quickly. He begged. He promised me all sorts haha. But it was my cock now. I decided when he came. No games. No kink. Real control.
Within months of having a truly effective cage he could actually live in, I owned him as a slave and rapidly increased my expectations and started removing his privileges. My authority over him now doesn’t revolve around the cage anymore but I cannot deny it’s impact on allowing me to take that full time control initially.
One day when Zero is smooth there I won’t need a cage at all. But until I decide he and I are ready for that he’ll spend the rest of his life in a snug PA cage.🖤


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