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Story time! #brothelstories #torreysstories

The “Goddess Witch” - a true story filled with (literal) ‘happy endings.’

In the brothel biz, a lot of times it’s too easy to focus on the booking and the numbers associated with the booking. I’ve seen this play out time and time again. 

I strongly believe this small-lensed approach may pay off at first, but it isn’t sustainable. I’ve seen those consequence play themselves out time and time again. 

I’ve also seen where those who worry only about themselves (and/or prematurely cut off others in the process) end up with nothing but a constant and isolating internal battle of worry.

As with anything I do in life, love, or in business…I do things differently. 

For me, I focus on the humans involved, and the bookings eventually take care of themselves. I consistently receive repeat business and book bigger parties with my clients as we get to know each other more.

I’m a big picture thinker and strategist, and it always pays off. I’m finding it pays off *especially* in this business.

And, after looking deeper into what works and what doesn’t work, I also credit my polyamorous wiring for feeding into my continued progress and overall success. Compersion goes a very long way. (See definition below)

❤️Here’s a great example….just from today.❤️

A brand new client booked his first party with me, and after I did my magic I told him to feel free to hang out in the parlor and get to know the other girls. I do this for a number of reasons:

1. I am secure in the quality of services I provide, and sometimes clients need to compare their experiences in order for my uniqueness to be revealed and fully appreciated. 

2. I want other girls to book too - their success genuinely matters to me. Even if this client never books with me again, I want him to come back and have his needs met…and let someone else benefit from that potential.

3. This often turns into a two-girl party down the road, because I mention the other things I do beyond what we already did before they ever leave my room. I suggest ideas to consider for future bookings, and leave them curious enough to want to explore even more. I call this “planting seeds” of possibility and upcoming opportunities. They need to find alignment with another girl for this to happen.

4. As a newbie, this client can get a bigger picture of the diversity we have to offer at our location. 

While #1 sounds like I’m comparing myself as “better”, I’m not doing that at all. I am demonstrating how I am “different.” Variety is the spice of life.

Put #2 and #3 together, and mix either of those in with #4 and your coworkers appreciate your endorsement…they scratch your back one day, too.

Meanwhile, I’ve subconsciously demonstrated to my client that I am a confident woman who doesn’t get possessive or jealous, and they can confidently move through the brothel without hurting anyone’s feelings.

Lastly, by not being possessive or competitive, my client gets the benefit of extra connection and collaboration — and my coworkers know I’ve always got their back.

So after I hugged him and thanked him for the time we spent together… that’s what he did. 

He chatted with a couple of girls and I made sure to give him plenty of space to do it. 

Let me preface the next part with this:
He doesn’t know my exact age but I know his, and it’s exactly half of mine.

Knowing he was encouraged to continue making connections beyond the one he shared with me, he was chatting with one of the girls about music. As I came around the corner to head to the main office to chat with my boss, he lit up and diverted the question over to me and loop me into the conversation. I said, “I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation. I’m so glad you are getting acquainted with Paige. She’s the sweetest.” 

He affirmed this compliment. She blushed and quickly invited me to please join them in their discussion. 

We talked about music groups and artists he liked, which surprisingly predated his own age. I said “That’s pre (his name) era. I love how you have a diverse knowledge of music over many decades.”

He paused for a brief second and locked his full attention on me. 

Maybe it was because I validated him? Or was it because he felt seen, heard, and understood? Or maybe it was the part where I showed appreciation for something *he* appreciated?

Very likely it was all of the above. 

Paige wasn’t offended his attention shifted entirely on me. She knows I don’t dirty hustle. She deferred to his now-divided attention with a smile. (She really is the sweetest!)

He looked me straight in the eyes and said. “I don’t know how old you are, but you defy age and even challenge the perception of age. I love how you own it.”

Then he turned to Paige and said, “I think she’s some sort of Goddess Witch or something.”

I giggled and looked over at Paige and said “Oh wow. You are my witness! Did he just say I am a Goddess Witch?”

She said “He sure did! What did you *do* to him?!?”

We both laughed and I bowed to him, “I am going to take that as a compliment. You just made my day.”

He replied.. “Well you made mine already. What you did was magic.”

Want to guess what the odds are that he will be back soon to see me?

(You don’t have to guess…I already know.)

If you look closely, you can see all the clues and evidence you need to know that when I say I feel like everything in my life brought me to this place, and I’m truly living my best life… I really mean it. 

Like I said in the article quoted below:
“We get so caught up in the “sex” part we forget there are actual humans involved.”

The clients, the coworkers? I care about them all.

My partners and their metamours? I care about them all.

I want to emphasize this:
Nothing is sustained in this industry — or in this life — if all anyone cares about is keeping everything to themselves. However, we do need to be secure enough in our own self love and self image to be able to confidently and freely give our magic out to the world at large.

I did a lot of soul searching over the course of the last few years and came to the conclusion that I have a whole lot of magic AND love to give — and I am so glad I didn’t stop giving it when it wasn’t given to me to begin with. If I had cut off loving myself in the first place, all this :::waves hands wildly::: would have had nowhere to go.

And that, my beautiful and precious friends, is never sustainable. The world needs your magic, and your love, and it needs mine too.

How you decide to give it is your business, and how I decide to give it is mine.

(Literally!) 😂

Let’s be Goddess Witches together, wherever (and however) we decide to go in our collective journey.



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