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Sorry for the lack of updates, my last month of pregnancy was hard to move around and be productive and to be honest, I was mostly in the mother instinct nesting mindset of "clean and organize everything and make sure this house is ready for incoming baby".  

Good News and Bad News: 

Bad news- Talos and I spent the last 4 days in the hospital.
Good news- It was because I was in labour and having my baby! :)
Bad News- It was very painful and difficult, complications arose that resulted in me having an emergency C-Section. Also baby had complications with breathing when he was born so were transferred to a different hospital with a better NICU.
Good news: After the extra care both mother and baby are recovering very well and are on the way to a full recovery. 
Good/Bad News- This means we should be back to regular uploads by October.
Good News- I've been breast pumping and my boobs have exploded to whatever sizes exist beyond DD, pictures and videos coming soon! :)


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