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Gonna be MIA for a bit, y’all...
Fell asleep last night at midnight, 
woke up at 3:30 in so much pain that I couldnt go back to sleep- had to gargle with salt water, use throat spray and that took the edge off enough that I got a couple more hours..
And, around 8:30am, I was awoken by the sound of my Christmas tree falling over, with the glass ornaments shattered
Went to CityMD in case it was strep again, and because they closed 3 other locations and everyone and their mother was getting tested today, the line was 5 blocks long. But what choice did I have? Either that or the very expensive ER 🤷‍♀️
I waited outside in 35-40 windy weather for Four. Fucking. Hours. There were never any updates about how long the wait would be, and it didn’t matter if you just needed a test or actually needed urgent care- you had to wait in line. 
Both rapid tests for strep and COVID were negative, but the PCR results won’t be in for 5-7 days, and until I get a negative on that, I have to quarantine til Jan 5th...so, my west coast trip may very well be cancelled 😞 

Doc said could be something else viral, but I regret going- when I left, all I had was the sore throat. Not expecting to be outside in 36 degree, windy weather for 4 hours, all I had when I left at 9 was some water and IBprofune...

I barely made it home, because the amount of energy I expended trying to keep warm on an empty stomach absolutely wore me out (my traps also hurt like hell from hunching, and my jaw is locked from teeth chattering- which I discovered during the throat swab and I went to open as normal and felt a crunch on my left jaw and sharp pain 🙃)

Because I had ibuprofen on an empty stomach, I don’t want to take more til I get something in me, but I’m past that hungry phase and I’m now nauseous, so I can only take a sip of anything at a time and then breath through it, cuz the last thing I wanna do with my throat on fire is upchuck.

I also can’t warm up unless I am completely covered- as soon as I move a blanket to get something, I get the shakes again...

I managed to make some beef ramen broth and ordered some tea, and I’m gonna spend the rest of the night trying to get it all down...

I had the dry heaves for about 10 minutes half an hour ago, so hoping that now it will be easier to drink. I’m massively dehydrated..

I really wish the universe would just cut me a fucking break already


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