I used to hate how large my labia was. I used to hate how we.. (OnlyFans)
2022-09-03 23:01:57
I used to hate how large my labia was. I used to hate how wet I naturally got. I used to hate how crazy my hair was. I used to hate myself. other’s perceptions, projections and judgements placed me in a spiral of hate. it wasn’t until this work was I able to see that there is someone out there who not only appreciates my body, but loves it for exactly how it exists naturally. this work was step one. step two is cultivating this love within myself, within my own heart, to see that I am special. to see that I am love(d) without an outside view, I know my pussy is beautiful. I know how wet I get is a gift, a sign. I know how to own and tame my chaos. I let her be as wild and free as she desires. I choose to let go of hatred, judgement and shame. I know I am loved - both within and through the outer world. thank you with all my heart for being my step one. thank you thank you thank you. ♥️