I think this picture really shows howmuch weight I have lost.. (OnlyFans)
2023-10-09 06:47:17
I think this picture really shows howmuch weight I have lost! I am still not at my goal. I'm currently at 71kg and my goal is 68-67kg but it is my lowest weight ever. Being skinny makes me feel feminin and weak. This helps me gain more confidence to help customers in the sissy market real life store and to suck cock. Here are my sissy weightloss thoughts and tips : A feminizing diet is the most difficult diet in the world. Because you need to lose muscle and fat, not just fat... To break down muscle you need to eat very low calories and do not do any weight excersis whatsoever. No, also not squats. I believe those who say weight excersises and things like squats are good for sissies are just wrong. Squatting is a full body excersise, you will get big legs, abs, stronger arms, back and not just ass. Personally that is not for me. I do a lot of cardeo, i do a lot of running and right now i'm able to run half a marathon fairly easy!! I also feel much healthier. Food wise, all i do is use common sense and not eat too much.