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In this post, I am just going to talk about my hair removal journey. There is lots of things I learned along the way. And knowing what I am about to say, will litterly save you thousands of $ on hair removal. Let's start.

In the beginning, when my girlfriend made me wear girl clothes and lingerie she also made me shave my body. Shaving used to be my very first hair removal routine. Just like most beginner sissies, I took that tiny razorblade to remove all the hairs on my body. 

Most of us know the result. Red irritated skin, ingrown hairs, red bumps, and only a smooth feeling for half a day. The time investment wasn't really worth all the struggle. But we sissies do it anyway. Because it makes us feel feminin and there is nothing we want more.

After a year or so. I got tired of shaving. The razor bumps, the red irritated skin, it just started to be too much. So I looked for alternatived and found out there is something called Hair removal creams. I quickly bought one of those. It's a little more expensive than shaving but not too bad. And indeed, when I used that cream on my body my hair started to fall out. (Sounds healthy doesn't it?)
It also smelt very bad, very chemical. And on some spots I still had some hairs left but a quick shave would get rid of them. This kept me smooth for a little longer, perhaps a day or 2. But after that, red bumps, irritated skin. 

The deeper I got into sissyfication, the more I wanted to be smooth. And I knew I couldn't be doing this. Surely wasn't healthy to let chemicals make your bodyhair fall out. So eventually, I got the courage to call a beauty saloon and asked them politly if they would also wax ''men''. They said sure no problem, and I made an appointment.

I wasn't nervous. Untill Princess told me to get waxed wearing panties. But I went trough with it. I did it. Getting waxed all over your body hurts. It's a lot of pain. And it's fairly expensive. But the cost was worth it back then. And pain? I never let pain be a factor to stop me. I am not afraid of any pain. But it does hurt. But the feeling was amazing. Smooth for more than a week. And with every waxing session, I had less and less red bumps and my bodyhair got thinner and thinner. I kept doing it for a while. Untill I started an Onlyfans and became a fulltime sissy ''content creator''.

The downside about waxing was that there is a time in between wax session where you need to let your bodyhair grow big enough so it can get waxed again. Meaning, I was smooth for 1 week, and then I couldn't film or take photos for another week because my bodyhair was showing. But wasn't long enough for the next wax session, but too long to make videos and photos.

So once again I looked for a different alternative.
And got to IPL. Permanent laser hair removal! I bought myself a Philips lumea IPL device, the most expensive one that I could find. I did read the safety manual. It works best on dark hairs and light skin (check!). - Don't use the device on dark skin or on tattood surfaces. (No problem) - Use it once every 6 weeks per body part. 

Once every 6 weeks? That seems like a very slow process. 
So I got to work. I was a little nervous for the pain. But it's like 1/100th the pain of getting waxed haha. It's nothing. At most it is like a rubber band hitting your skin. So I used it over my entire body and waited 6 weeks, (You are not allowed to wax yourself when using this device, only shaving). So I shaved in between and kept doing that. And indeed, after 1-2 sessions you see a difference and some bold spots. After 3-6 sessions, there isn't much left and after 8 sessions everything was gone. (8 times 6 weeks).

But I wasn't happy yet.
My face. I still had a lot of facial hair. The IPL Device didn't work on my face. I also wanted to get rid of my facial hair. Specially mu upper lip. Sometimes during photos, you could see the shade of my upper lip hairs and I hated it. I deleted a few pictures with a cock in my mouth just because from the wrong angle it looked like I had a beard. I hated it. Even though my body was fairly smooth. The IPL device didn't work on my face and pubic area. Also on my ass not much changed. My legs, arms, belly - Completly hairless.

My solution? I wanted to make good content. I hated my facial hairs. I grabbed tweezers. And I ripped out my upper lip hairs one by one. I cried from pain. It didn't stop me. My upper lip was swollen for a couple hours from doing this, but I didn't care. The next day I could make content without the fear of any shades going trough. Yep. I did that...

My onlyfans started to be successfull and I was earning a lot of extra money. And I knew there had to be another solution for my face, pubic area and ass. ''Because real transgender people also get this done''

I found out about IPL at a beauty saloon. With a more powerfull machine. The guaranteed my beard would be gone. They guaranteed my pubic area and ass to be permanently removed. This was very expensive. ($300 per session for beard, ass, pubic area) And I have done 8 sessions.
The result was : Pubic area and ass completly hair free. Beard, still there. No differences. So I wasted $300 * 8 on my facial hair without any result.

I got sick of it. Ripping out my facial hair was a hell. I couldn't believe it's not working. What's the truth, I had to find out how to get rid of it.

I found out about electrolysis.
Electrolysis is basicly, they put a burning hot needle inside the root of your hair, they electrocute the hairsack and then it is destroyed forever. Forever immediatly gone. Downside : Expensive. I didn't care about the pain.

I googled and found a cheap beauty saloon offering electrolysis. She told me it was mostly for females but she could try it on me. She warned me about the extreme pain.  So I paid her $100 per hour and she immediatly put a hot burning needle in one of my hairs and electrocuted it. The pain was the most pain I ever experienced in my entire life. I didn't want to cry. But the tears were running down my face. I wasn't really crying, but my eyes were watery. It is litterly like getting burned. To describe the feeling, imagen the pain you get from a vaccine, but the needle is thousand degrees and once it's inside it electrocutes you haha. That's the pain for just 1 hair. On my upper lip, you have like thousands of hairs. 

It destroyed my upper lip. It made me feel weird. I gained some kind of confidence, I felt like I could do anything because I went trough hell hahaha.
But the result after 6 hours (3 sessions of 2 hours) : No result. Didn't work. Still had my upper lip hair. 

Back to google. (Never give up fighting for your dreams) Because surely, that is not what transgenders have to go trough. This is almost impossible.

I found out about electrolysis at 2pass. It's a clinic specialized in transgender treatments including electrolysis. An electrolysis session of 8 hours has a price of $900. And thanks to Onlyfans, I managed to book a session. 
I knew this was the real deal. 

A very friendly lady made me feel comfortable and helped me on a table. I had to lay down. I immediatly could see this was more proffesional. They used local anesthesia. Kinda like the dentist uses!  So she asked me where I wanted to start first and I said my upper lip. She grabbed her needle and inserted it in my upper lip. She warned me about the pain. The pain when someone sticks a needle in your upper lip compared to your forarm is insane. Upper lip will be most likely the biggest pain you experience. She twists and turns the needle under your skin to make sure the anesthesia gets your entire upper lip.

It took about 1 minute of intense pain. And then my entire upper lip was numb. 
She started the electrolysis session and I had no pain for the next couple hours. After 3 hours, my entire upper lips hair was removed. She then started in my neck. Still the needle for the anesthesia hurts like hell. But it's just 30 seconds of pain for 3 hours of no pain. So it's a fair trade. 
Laying down in 1 exact position for 8 hours hurts on your neck and it's very intense actually. Luckely there are a couple of breaks during the day. 

After 8 hours, this person removed my entire upper lip and let's say 50% of my beard. 

Here is the bad news.
''You can only do electrolysis on the hairs currently on your face. There are about 8 times more hairs under your skin that we cannot treat right now'' So in order to have your entire beard and upper lip removed, we need to remove your beard with electrolysis +- 5 times.'' 

Remember, My upper lip and 50% of my beard ONCE costed me 8 hours and $900.
But it works 100% Every hair destroyed is a hair gone for good.
So for a long while, my onlyfans savings went to this. 
I have spend +- $7500 on electrolysis to get my entire beard completly removed. 

In between, I had a few laser hair removal sessions on my pubic area and ass too, and did a few IPL laser sessions on my legs and body at home aswell.

So yeah.. Sissies, it is not about luck.
Anyone can become a sexy smooth sissy. 
Remember, you are not too old to start, you are not too ugly, you are not too... whatever. Be yourself. Folow your dreams, and just like me, don't stop for anything and anyone.

Next post i'll talk about my finances as a sissy.

Much love



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