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LIFE UPDATE (hormones)
Today I had the last appointment with my psychologist and it was actually very interesting. I am a very strong minded individual, I am very positive and I am always happy. So I walked in very confidently with minimum expectations. I believed this meeting was just a chore. A requirement and a task I needed to get trough to achieve my dream of getting hormones.

But this person really put me in my place and made me think about things a little more. Perhaps i'm about to share too much. But I think this is too important for other sissies out there struggling with the same feelings I have. 

First of all. When it comes to hormones, there are many different solutions and options. I want to take a very minimum and slower approach. That is because my transition comes from sissyfication and I want to do this scary process slowly step by step. I am going to use an oestrogen (female hormone) gel. But unlike most transgender people, I will NOT take anti-androgen (Male hormone blockers) this will make sure I don't lose my sexual drive. The main changes for me will be : softer skin, breast growth, feminin curves. 

I am a full time sissy and the adults in my family know what I do and totally accept it. But none adults look up to me and really really like me. I think it would be very damaging for them to watch me ''transition''. The first step of my transition will be with the oestrogen gel and take it slow at my own pace. My first goal would be to be feminin underneath my clothes - but still able to cover it if needed. Once I reach that point. I will decide if I want to transition even further. I already would be extremely happy with small breasts, smoother skin and ASS! Haha.

Then the question ''where can you be yourself, Joyce?'' came up. I answered : ''At home and at work. I don't like to go outside because I don't think I pass. Don't get me wrong please - I don't care what others might think of me, I just don't want to bother or shock anyone'' 

The psychologist said : ''It seems like you are very empathic. You have a strong personality, but you don't do what you want, for others. I think you do a lot for other people, is that true?''

I confessed. I didn't realize this. But i really do. I help a lot of people. I am not a materialistic person. The webshop makes minimal profit - But I'm able to help my best friend (he has a steady job now) and I am able to help other sissies. My mother gets my Clip sales income. She is very poor and she is the best human on the planet. I always get big presents for everyone around me, plus I am very submissive haha. (I didn't say all this, I just said ''Yes that is true'' but kept the details to my self)

The psychologist asked : ''Can you name me one thing you are doing for yourself?'' This made me pause and think. It took me minutes. The awkward silence didn't stop. She expected an answer and suddenly I found it.

''THIS! I do THIS for myself. THIS is what I want!" I said. (refering to transitioning)

The psychologist conversation blew me away. She has written a positive note to the doctor and HRT is starting at 14 december. I didn't need to see the psychologist again, but we did book another session together.

This was very mentally draining but a good experience.
Feels abit strange to share so much private stuff - But I just hope my experience and journey helps others out here find happyness and peace.




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