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A little recap of 2021 :

I know it's not over yet. But i tought it would be fun to talk about what I experienced so far and what is to come. 
In January it's been more than 9 months since I quit my vanilla job. I worked in a brick making factory. It was very hard and rough work. The men there always laughed at how weak and girly i was. (In a playful way and I enjoyed it).
They even called me ''Jenny'' (My boyname is Jens).....
At the start of 2021 my Onlyfans was already earning me enough money to pay all my bills and quit my vanilla job. I was very happy and making lots of content. 
Every month, i gained more and more subscribers.
At the end of march, my accountant called me.
(Yes, he knows i am a sissy, he even calls me sissy!)
He told me that my income has grown so much that I need to change my proprietorship into a partnership business for taxes.

(During these months, i had to learn everything about taxes and running a business, I come from a poor family with zero experience)

At around this period, I knew i wanted to go deeper in the rabbit hole and stop taking my onlyfans for granted. I mean, this is my job now!! There are real humans who spend their hard earned money to take a look inside my sissy life, and i was basicly just posting some nudes or selfies.
I wanted to level up.

I created a list of things to acomplish :
- Be better at make-up
- Learn how to edit videos
- Lose weight
- Suck more dick
- Get fucked and lose my anal virginity
- Get rid of all my bodyhair
- Improve my lifestyle
- Create a webshop
- Write better and more E-books

Over the next months, this is what i focussed on. This was the most difficult, painfull time of my life. I never ''worked'' so hard in my life and i never experienced that much pain.

When it comes to permanent hair removal, again, i had to do all the research myself. Before knowing about transgender clinics, i went to an old beauty saloon who claimed to do electrolysis but they didn't have anesthesia. To get rid of my upper lip hair, i've gone trough electrolysis without anesthesia. This costs about 100 euro per hour, and to describe the pain, it feels like a burning electric needle going 1cm deep inside your skin and staying there for 5 seconds before pulling out. After 8 hours, my upper lip was ''clear'' of hair. Only for it to have grown back after 3 weeks. You can count the amount of money I lost. But I did not give up. I found a transgender clinic and called them and explained my situation. This only painfull part about real electrolysis is the anesthesia. They move the needle under your skin, under your upper lip. I cried every time.
I start crying when i think about it. Just like now haha. But it was SO worth it. 
In total, i've spend +- 10 000 euro on permanent hair removal. And atleast 3000 euro on failure and scam hair removal methods. 
When going trough all this, i was fasting. I was very weak and not eating much. Sometimes at the clinic, they brought me soda because i told them i was about to feint. Oh, and then I haven't talked about the aftermath yet. Where your face becomes twice the size and has exudate comming out of it everywhere.
This was middle summer by the way, when it was very very warm outside. Everyone was outside, but when you do electrolysis, you can't go in the sun for 2 weeks because it might leave pigment spots on your skin. So little joyce was sitting inside during the entire summer of 2021 with a super huge, oozing face.

But that's not all, oh no. During this time, I had to keep my Onlyfans channel satisfied and keep it excited. Right before an electrolysis session, i often did a quick shoot just to have content to share.

Between all of this the only time i had left was spend in front of my computer (I couldn't go outside) I learned how to build a webshop and i learned how to edit videos and bought software for both of them. I also learned different make-up techniques. All while being as active as possible on Onlyfans.

When I recovered, we met amazing people, Lady fatale and Goddess Anielo. I still wasn't at my weightgoal at this point but i was getting close.
Lady fatale helped me find a guy to fuck me that was safe and I am very thankfull and honored to have lost my anal virginity by her encouragement. I was super nervous for it. 

So, we're now approaching the end of 2021, and I completed everything except improving my lifestyle a little.

I come from a lower class family. The first thing I did with the extra money I earned (after what was left from my feminization) was help out my parents. They are poor. I mean, they have everything they need but they count every cent they get. We visit them once a month and every month i go to the cheaper supermarker here and buy for almost 1000 euro worth of food and drinks. (My mom cries every time)

Anyway, i'm not very materialistic. I have been living in a small house and I own an old car. But it's time to climb up to ''middle'' class. We might go look for a new house in the near future. Not a big house or anything, just a normal house. Nothing too fancy, but nothing too small either. I mean, right now, i'm sitting upstairs wearing 2 sweaters because theres no heating upstairs here haha!
Also, as you can see in my pictures, it's pretty old and small. One day, when Mistress fatale was visiting us, our dog ran in with a dead mouse inside his mouth. That was very humiliating. 

The only goal left is to ''upgrade'' my personal life a little. 

After that I think i accomplished all my goals.
2022 will be less goal oriented I think.. (I will still have a few feminization goals to go for) 
2022 will be focussed on being the biggest cumdumpster I can be instead.

I want to thank everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
for everything
I'm super thankfull you have no idea

I completed all my goals and it's time to live my life as a slut.

Maybe i shared a little too much in this story, but hey, i don't know. 😅


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