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I have been looking back at the last 24 months...
about 24 months ago, i worked in a brick making factory, my job was to test bricks and in the weekend, i went to a Gamestore and played some Cardgames.
I have always been very competitive and on a random saturday, someone walked in the store who immediatly caught my attention.
He was dressed way better than the rest of us, you know, like a business man..
So we were all suprised he sat on our table and joined our little tournament of 8 people haha. I used to be the ''person to beat'' every time! I was very good at cardgames! We played the finals together.
It wasn't even close.
He beat me like i was a joke! I got a little bit frustrated and blamed some of it on luck. He was very friendly and social and laughed a lot. Losing the finals got me a little bit in a bad mood so i went to go pay my entrance fee and some drinks i had during the tournament.
Thats when the store owner told me :
''You do realize who you just lost against right?''
I shrugged.
The store owner said : '' That's xxxxxxxxxx, he played in the world championships''
My mood changed immediatly haha.
I went back to our table to see what prices he got and we started talking a little. Getting to the world championship is... *ehm* was like a dream for me!
We started talking and i was fanboying so much hahaha, so funny now i look back on it.
We started playing some casual games together and we kinda took off! We had the same kind of humor and we chatted a lot!
I did realize he was getting a little tipsy.
When the store was about to close, he said to me ''Do you live nearby? Why don't we play some more games on your computer?!''
A person who played in the world championship is going to play some games with me? I can learn so much from this. OF COURSE I SAID YES.

But on the way home i had to come up with a way to hide my sissy toys from my room, and ''clean'' my computer from most pictures.

When we arrived, i introduced him to princess diamonds, that distracted him for 5 minutes while i quickly went upstairs to clean my room haha.

We grabbed some drinks and started up the game.
We played a few games, and not long after that I received an E-mail that popped up and it was completly visible.

To :
Sissy Joyce
From : 
Sissy Xxx

Hey Joyce, can you please tell me what chastity cage i should buy? 

I closed it as fast as i could but it was too late.

''Sissy Joyce???'' he said laughingly.

I said : ''yeahhhhhhh let's forget about that''

He told me that I can trust him, that i can tell him everything, and was very confincing about it too! He said that it's not a big deal.
I told him i might tell him about it later.

Another game to distract us from that stupid e-mail later, it was getting too late and we said goodbye to eachother.

The next day i received a text message from him : 
''I found you on twitter joyce!''

I told him everything. I had like 3000 folowers on twitter back then, and I did not have an onlyfans account at all.
We became good friends over the months! He's A LOT smarter than I am, he is very successfull. Has a Tesla, a high paying job and I... I worked in a brick factory and played cardgames in the weekend and dressed up as a sissy in between.

It was actually his idea, he told me to take Joyce to the next level, he told me to do what i really like to do, to folow my dream, and that it can become very successfull.
I was afraid. From taxes, from setting up my own business, from all the rules, uncertainty, the risks involved.
He teached me everything and helped me trough all that.

I opened up more and more about being Joyce. I even bragged to him when i made new shoots and think i looked hot in the pictures haha. Sending him pics of me dressed up telling him ''Look at this, this is going to give me sooo much likes on twitter!!'' 
He convinced me to keep going, he has this really convincing, confident sales type of personality. It didn't took him long to convince me to suck his dick.

Once he had pictures of me with his dick in my mouth.
He knew he had me under his control if he wanted.

So yeah, that is the story of Mister Georges. 😅


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