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Life update :

The end of june is my finish line.
It's the point where i achieved litterly all my goals.
My last wisdom teeth got pulled out and i am not experiencing much pain at all.
The Electrolysis (permanent facial hair removal) is comming up in a few days.
The anoying part of this is that i need to grow my facial hair for a week so they can destroy it with a laser, and after that, i can't wear make-up for a week because it could cause infections... sigh.
I have 2 laser hair removal appointments in june. (Mid june and End June) And i also reserved an extra one at the start of July just in case, because they are extremly full booked.
For your information.
This laser hair removal method costs 900 euro for an entire day. 
I already spend 900 euro (1 day of full laser removal)
I have 3 appointments reserved of a half day each. So 3x 450 euro.
Just to give you an idea of the price.
I'm also in my last few weeks when it comes to weightloss.
The last 5 are the most difficult ones i guess....
But i'm going to make it.
By july, i will have gotten rid of all my insecurities and i will finally feel more comfortable dressing up around others. 
It might sound strange that i'm insecure abnout how i look haha, i have a ''perfectionism'' type of personality.
Also at the end of june, i'm going to have my last dentist appointment to have 1 teeth that is slightly weirdly positioned fixed.
For my smile i had to endure :
1x Complete mouth cleaning session
4x teeth cavities fixed
2x Wisdom teeth pulled
1x Making a mald for teeth bleeching + bleeching for an entire week 
And the last one thats comming up :
1x Fixing one crooked tooth.

I've come from a poor family, so to have money to invest in myself is so amazing, i'm so thankfull for the life i'm living as a sissy slave.
As you know, i'm 100% transparant about what i do with my earnings, it's not a secret, i'm not ashamed about it or anything like that...
The first year of quiting my job (March 2020-March2021) I decided to save a lot of my earnings, because i was scared about how it was to run a business. I wanted to do everything the legit way, so i hired an accountant and he helped me a lot when it comes to paying taxes and making business expenses, but because i was so inexperienced, i decided to be very carefull with my earnings. It was a very scary time to quit my fulltime vanilla job for this.

Now, i have multiple plans...
1) Investing in myself (I'm almost at the end of that goal) 
2) Investing in making the webshop better. A FAIR webshop for sissies, where everyone can buy things at fair prices. I need to pay webshop experts, I am going to pay a proffesional webshop expert to help me run it, so that i can focus more on being a sissy. 
3) The profit of the webshop gets 100% back invested in it, andddd i want to create a sissy social community site (free site, not a scam site) and just build out the sissy market brand 
4) As a chastity cage expert and fulltime wearer, i'd like to bring my own chastity cage on the market...
5) Expensive BDSM furniture so we can do real life sessions, maybe even our own bdsm house/playroom
6) Always new toys and clothes
7) And lastly, as i said, i come from a poor family, so a little of my earnings go towards my parents. When me and Princess diamonds visit them, we always go to the supermarket and buy food for them for a huge amount, i've been able to help my brother out financially and i bought my little sister a brand new i phone for her birthday, those are the things that really make me happy
8) Giving back to the community in form of giveaways

Hair removal in a couple days!! So happy!! I can see the finish line of my goals!!! 
I can't wait to focus 100% on being a sissy


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