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So yesterday i started this proffesional (and expensive!!) feminization diet.
I have to take some supplements in the form of pills and i'm kinda against all that, but i'm giving it a fair try.
One of my biggest problems is diet coke when it comes to diet. Because it's ''zero calories'' i justified drinking it a lot. More then a liter a day ๐Ÿ™ˆ
My coach said this is extremly bad and explained to me why. 
So yesterday was my first day drinking only water and eating in a special way combined with some suplements.
And.... i got extremly sick.
I had to ๐Ÿคข 3 times, i was light headed and felt just really sick
This could have been a withdrawal effect of not drinking diet coke for an entire day, also, when you don't eat any carbs the first day your body might act strange.
I went to bed very early and had a bad night.
But now i woke up and i feel so much better.
Except my mouth, my wisdom tooth arrea still hurts but it's also getting better.
I'm kinda getting tired of being in pain / being sick so much haha, but i need to keep working hard
a few more painfull days are comming up.
Specially scared of the day where i go to the dentist in the morning and get the most painfull hair removal done in my face in the afternoon.
Once this is all over i'm going to put up the best content i've ever made on my Onlyfans for everyone!! i'm very excited about that



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