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This weekend I had a little break from the internet. 
But I can't take a break from being feminin. I only have girlclothes left. It's still very shocking to me. 
I went to 2 Magic the gathering tournaments. (For those who don't know what it is, it is my hobby, it is a complex fantasy cardgame, often gets described as a combination of chess and poker. It's very skillfull but there is also luck involved)
On saturday, I got 1st place at a tournament with a loooot of players. (Pauper)
It's very cool to receive the first price when I'm dressed feminin and have everyone clapping for me haha. Thats super cool. The community is awsome!!!
On Sunday, I lost in the finals of a Qualifier haha. (sealed)
I had a lot of fun on these days.

Today I woke up, worked abit, went for a run, went for a walk with my dog and then I saw a white pigeon at the side of the road not moving. Just chilling.
When I got closer, It tried to get away but it was clearly hurt.
So after the walk with my dog, i went back to the spot and it was still there.
I took it back home and i'm taking care of it now ^-^

Tomorow evening, I am visiting a new business in our town.
It's a bdsm themed bead and breakfast and Princess Diamonds and me are going to make spicy videos over there.



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