swipe 2 remove pants 🫡 also mini life update feel free to s.. (OnlyFans)
2024-09-09 21:13:38
swipe 2 remove pants 🫡
also mini life update feel free to skip!!!
termite guy came today and put some stuff in the wall because landlord is too cheap to fumigate the house, apparently it'll take a month to resolve the issue- if i was living here long-term i'd be upset but my lease ends in march and then he's the one that'll have to deal with the issue afterwards so....... shrug
air-conditioner is getting replaced tomorrow (allegedly) and then i'll be able to shoot again without feeling like i'm gonna be sick after 5 min. ironically enough tomorrow is also when the heatwave breaks after a month of 90 degree temperatures, so......... LMAO... whatever dude 💀
and last update, if there's any veterinarians/cat owners that have dealt with this on here: my lil kitty had a seizure on sunday morning at 4am so i've been taking care of her. it's never happened before and it was really scary. her BW and toxicology came back normal, and she's acting fine now. if anyone has any input i'd love to know. she spent 4 hours in the emergency vet and it came out to a hefty bill of $1.6k but i'm just happy she's alive. i remembered hearing that playing tetris after a traumatic event helps with ptsd so i was just playing it for 4 hours straight in the lobby. it did kinda help, but maybe it's placebo. the funny part is it was a cheap app i downloaded quickly without checking reviews and if i rotated the block too many times i had to watch an ad LMFAO.
so idk man, it's one thing after another, but still trying to stay positive :')
will take a lot more than this to get me to give up!!!!!!!
if you read this far, good job!!! and tell me something nice- a fun fact, something good that happened to you, a pic of an animal, etc. :D
thank u for letting me be candid, have a great day <3
edit: and sorry if it sounds like i'm bitching/moaning a lot ;-; i just wanna be fully transparent with why it's mainly reposts lately!!!!!!!! which is why i always give a lil warning before i vent. i promise this has like, never happened before, i usually just post ass and go LMAOOO. but i feel like part of not having any management run my page is sharing stuff like this, which is nice. ok that's all. thanks for listening <3