I no longer can be a BBW. Spent the day in & out of doctor.. (OnlyFans)
2020-10-27 22:14:11
I no longer can be a BBW. Spent the day in & out of doctor offices & the emergency room. Turns out I have diabetes & high bl oo d pressure & they kept throwing around the term c o m a today with my numbers. On the proper meds & should get my energy back in a week, and have to make changes to my diet & start doing more than just walking my dog. I have to drop 40 pounds and might be able to control all of this with diet & exercise eventually. So for those looking for me to gain weight, or be bigger is your fetish... I can not do. Literally, it could kill me. Shall try to film as much as possible at this weight, but my health & living a long life is my priority.